This code was written by Niv Ben-Porath
My journey of implementing MVVM, POP and other aspect of iOS dev You can read about it here -
- Updated IntradayViewController to use a ViewModel
- The navigation between screens is handled by a Flow Controller
View Logic:
- Intraday screen is split up to two controllers - logic (for fetching the data for the requested intraday) and view (for rendering the screen for each state - loading,present and error)
- Support for Hebrew.
Known issues and bugs
- bank images are sometimes shown under the wrong bank
- data from alphavantage is parsed using keys (and not Codable), due to the fact that the keys in the JSON are random
- their are no error messages shown to the user
- UI is implemented in code
Some tests that are added:
- check JSON Parser
- check Bank List Data Source