
provides a Android APP command-line development environment based on Linux system...

Primary LanguageJava

1. Brief introduction

The project provides a Android APP command-line development environment based on Linux system.

You can directly write、build、install Android APP without using IDE.

2. How to use

Enter the root directory of an example (for example: HelloAndroid).

If it is the first time to compile, It is recommended to run make tool to download platform、SDK、build-tools etc(sometimes you should use sudo make tool).

cd ./example/HelloAndroid
make tool

Build the project:

make build

Install the APP:

make program


3. Watch log

Get all errors and fatals:

adb logcat "*:E"

Use wildcard filter with Android Logcat (Linux only):

adb logcat | grep -i "foo.example." #get all logs related to “foo.example.*” tagname

4. Demos

[01] HelloAndroid: hello world demo
[02] BluetoorhScan: bluetooth scan + surface(canvas) + handler + bundle
[03] FlyGame: surface(canvas) + fly game demo
[04] ListView: ListView DIY demo
[05] GridView: GridView DIY demo
[06] TuyaMeshTest: ble scan(fast scan) + textview
[07] SmartStepCounter: bluetooth scan connect read + line chart
[08] SmartFan: bluetooth scan connect write
[09] BluetoothTelinkOTA: telink ota
[10] BluetoothDemo: 可以编译,功能不行
[11] BT4TEST: ble scan list