
A system designed to help with getting organized

Primary LanguageC#

Project Management System


Yet another project management tool that hopes to set expectations right in the first place and report on true project progress.


Display task completion dates and automatically add tasks that were completed and the length of time they were worked on. As well as a general scale of the task which drives the projection system.


by priority high -> low

  • Set up clean architecture example of a real system
  • Show that one feature can be reused by multiple different front-end interfaces
  • Create system that allows easy maintainence of to be done tasks.
  • Show all tasks overlapping each-other with a projected completed date based off of previous data.


  • Create project and link tasks to those projects. Create tasks that can link to parent tasks.
  • Create React interface
  • Connect React to API or directly to database
  • Create data-visualization of open and completed tasks in all projects that are created in the system. (Gantt chart?)


Download XAMPP (recommend version 7.X.X) and run MySql scripts to setup database (.\_MySql Scripts\pms.sql). Set connection string to your localhost in each project appsettings.json file. Example: "MySql" = "Server=localhost;Database=PMS;uid=PMS;PWD=root" Make sure to start Apache and MySql in XAMPP and you should be good to start using the app.


  • Electron desktop environment doesn't seem to work - unknown source of the bug.
  • Since tasks can now link to other tasks the task building system can now by simplified.
  • Xamarin project not loaded due to resources


  • Mediator
  • Fluent Validation
  • Auto mapper
  • ef core
  • postgres database
  • MySql database
  • electron ui
  • windows form ui
  • blazor with electron or web site
  • console example with DI
  • Xamarin UI (not working yet)