
This environment is built on the bioconductor_docker image. It is meant to act as a base envenvironment while R packges are managed by renv-eliminating the need to update the whole singularity image to add a package. This is a compromise between easy reproducibility and easy adding new packages.

This environment is provided as a Docker image on Dockerhub, and on GitHub.

Tags on both Dockerhub and Github are set to match the BFXcore Job ID.

To modify

  • update the Dockerfile as needed

  • build and retag image:

docker build -t ncarrut/single_cell_base_env:<job id> .
  • push to docker hub:
docker push ncarrut/single_cell_base_env:<job id>
  • git commit with tag and push to github
git add .
git commit -m "some message"
git tag <job id>
git push
  • push the tag too. It doesn't happen automatically
git push origin <job id>