Colour setup and control for HP Omen Sequencer keyboard under Linux
sudo apt install build-essential libhidapi-hidraw0 libhidapi-dev
Build and Install
sudo make install
omen_coloursetup [-v] [-L] <mode>
-v verbose
-L List available modes
Set colours at boot/resume from sleep
Edit provided and place in /lib/systemd/system/
Add new colour modes
Use instructions from uwbrply ( to capture packets sent to keyboard:
Sample workflow for capturing Windows VM traffic from Linux host and replaying traffic in Python:
- Example: program a Xilinx dev board under Linux without knowing anything about the JTAG adapter USB protocol
- Linux: Install Wireshark
- Linux: Enable usbmon so Wireshark can capture USB (sudo modprobe usbmon, see
- Linux: Boot Windows VM (ie through VMWare)
- Linux: Start Wireshark. Make sure you have USB permissions (ie you may need to sudo)
- Connect USB device to computer
- Linux: use lsusb to determine which device bus is on. Try to choose a bus (port) with no other devices
- Linux: start catpure on bus from above
- Linux: attach USB device to Windows guest
- Windows: start your application, do your thing, etc to generate packets
- Linux: stop capture
- Linux: save capture. Save in pcap-ng format (either should work)
- Export packet dissections, as plain text, enable Bytes, disable Summary and Details
- Use to make an h file of the wireshark dump
- edit colour_setups.h and add the new mode from the created h file following the pattern
- edit colour_setup.c to allow use of the new setup