
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION



This Datadicer repository has been retired as of 6/11/2021. Datadicer was a relational data visualization library for internal use; this codebase was released as No Support Open Source Software.


1. Developer Manual

  • Clone the repo

  • Install dependencies

    npm install
    bower install
  • Serve for live editing:

    grunt serve
  • Build


To learn more about the grunt command, see the documentation on the Grunt CLI. To see a list of all available tasks for this project:

grunt --help    

2. User Manual

Add to your angular application

  1. The latest and greatest

     bower install https://github.com/ncbi/datadicer#bower
  2. inject angular module "ngramApp"

     angular.module('TestApp', ["ngramApp"]) 

3. colModel configuration:

  name: 'aid',    // name of the field
  label: 'AID',   // display name of the field
  tips: 'tips',   // if you would like to configure a tip for this 
                  // header, please set "tips" property',
  width: 60,      // width of the column
  align: 'right', // text align
  sortable: false

4. groupHeaders configuration:

groupHeaders: [{
  useColSpanStyle: true,
  groupHeaders: [
    { startColumnName: 'name', 
      numberOfColumns: 2, 
      titleText: 'L0-info', 
      tip: "another tip"},
    { startColumnName: 'amount', 
      numberOfColumns: 6, 
      titleText: 'L0-Numbers'}
{ useColSpanStyle: true,
  groupHeaders: [
    { startColumnName: 'name', 
      numberOfColumns: 1, 
      titleText: 'L1-name'},
    { startColumnName: 'amount',
      numberOfColumns: 3, 
      titleText: 'L1-Others'}

5. support HTML in tips

tips: 'Scientific name <BR> Please search me by using the filed name : <font color="red">scientific_name</font>',  

6. howto configure a pre-ordered column ( added since version 0.2.10 )

In the grid configuration, add the following :

    sortname: 'strain',
    sortorder: 'asc',

7. howto configure filter panel ( advanced)

  advOpts: {
                    open: false, //OPEN BY DEFAULT?
                    downloadBtn: {
                        hidden: false, //HIDE THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON?
                        css: 'btn-default pull-right', //OVERRIDE DOWNLOAD BUTTON CSS?
                        tips:'CSV Download (10k limit)', //default
                        tipsPlacement:'left', //default
                        onClick: function () { //OVERRIDE DEFAULT DOWNLOAD ACTION
                            return _backendDriver.download();

8. howto add top paging bar

    toppager:true, //default is no top paging bar

9. add experimental feature: filter-as-tab

      <filter-as-tab filter="filters.taxgroup_name"

10. howto add multiple selections

 multiselect: true,

11. how to enable multiple selection across multiple pages

 multiPageSelection: true,

event publisher:

    $scope.$emit('gridtable.allRowsOnPageBeingSelected', $scope.selarrrow, rowids, status);
    $scope.$emit('gridtable.oneRowBeingSelected', $scope.selarrrow, rowid, status);

event subscriber:

    scope.$on('gridtable.reload', data)
    scope.$on('gridtable.selectRow',   data)

12. howto limit the number of facets displayed by default( click more to see more)

      facetFields: [{
        label: 'Source',
        name: 'isolation_source',
        allowZeros: false,
        limitByNumber: 6 //default 10 <------------------this line

13. how to expand subgrid by default


14. how to configure a subgrid

       subGridRowExpandedConfigCallback:function(sid, rid, rdata/*row data*/)
       //return a gridConfig

Configurations only applicable to subgrid

       title: 'Title: Detail information',
       accessibleTitle: 'I have got enough information about this record, thank you',
       accessibleTitleScreenReaderOnly: false,

15. how to setup the minimum height

        minHeight: 100

16. add/remove GA tracking

simply add/remove the following in app bootstrap function


As well as GA's code ( no need to explicitly send pageview here please )

    <!-- Google Analytics: change UA-XXXXX-X to be your site's ID -->

17. turn on POST-JSON mode for handling big queries


18. how to check datadicer version


19. add gridtable.columnUpdated event

  $scope.$on('gridtable.columnUpdated', function (e, grid) {

20. add pager config

pagerConfig: {cloneToTop: true},

21. add no_hits_message that allow user to customize what message to show if there is no hits

no_hits_message:'no hits!',