
The Alternate key doesn't always work

digitalbio opened this issue · 2 comments

Browser: Firefox

  1. I annotated two aligned structures so that each pair of aligned chains had the same color.
  2. I deleted all the defined sets except for the two structures (7A94 and 7KRQ).
  3. I clicked one structure in Defined sets and clicked View Selected in order to see it.
  4. I clicked the A key to alternate between structures but nothing happened.
  5. I had to clear the selection three times to get the alternate key to work.

load alignment 192475,1,200478,1 | parameters &showalignseq=1&align=192475,1,200478,1&atype=0
view interactions
select chain 7A94_D
color F4A460
select chain 7A94_A
select alignChain 7KRQ_C
select alignChain 7KRQ_C
select alignChain 7A94_A
select sets align_7KRQ_C or align_7A94_A
select alignChain 7A94_A
color 0FF
select alignChain 7KRQ_C
color 0FF
select alignChain 7A94_B
select alignChain 7KRQ_A
select sets align_7A94_B or align_7KRQ_A
color F0F
select alignChain 7A94_C
select alignChain 7KRQ_B
select sets align_7A94_C or align_7KRQ_B
color A52A2A
defined sets
defined sets
select sets 7A94_A
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B or 7A94_C or 7A94_D or 7A94_Misc or 7A94_cons or 7A94_nalign or 7A94_ncons
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B or 7A94_ncons
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B or 7A94_nalign or 7A94_ncons
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B or 7A94_cons or 7A94_nalign or 7A94_ncons
select sets 7A94_A or 7A94_B or 7A94_C or 7A94_cons or 7A94_nalign or 7A94_ncons
delete selected sets
select sets 7A94_D
select sets 7A94_D or 7A94_Misc
delete selected sets
select sets 7KRQ_A
select sets 7KRQ_A or 7KRQ_B or 7KRQ_C or 7KRQ_Misc or 7KRQ_cons or 7KRQ_nalign or 7KRQ_ncons or align_7A94_A or align_7A94_B or align_7A94_C or align_7KRQ_A or align_7KRQ_B or align_7KRQ_C or chemicals or ions or protein_aligned or proteins
delete selected sets
select sets 7A94
show selection
alternate structures
select sets 7KRQ
clear all
clear all
clear all

The alternation only works for your selection. If your selection has just one structure, it doesn't alternate. In your case, you need to click the "All Atoms/Selection" toggle near the "Help" menu to select all structures, then do the alternation.
