Implementation of the Page Object pattern with Robot Framework and selenium. Also facilitates page object pattern independent of Robot Framework
- 8dspacesShenzhen, China
- aaira-aKuala Lumpur
- binithb
- charleshamel73
- daluu@mistsys
- eduardozaminCologne, Germany
- ElizaZaduraLund
- erolsttGuidewire Software
- eweitzBroad Institute
- felixluShenzhen
- guykisel@RiotGames
- HelioGuilherme66Portugal
- hellmanj
- iyangmingking
- keenyang
- maurcarvalho@Husky
- mikehemeRitaka
- nczita@pgga-es
- opensrcken
- poliarush
- postmart
- rama-nu3
- rjsmithRSBA Technology Ltd
- RocyLuo
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- seanlyG7E6
- selurveduPlanet Earth
- sgoswami85Pune, India
- shicky4Belfast, Northern Ireland
- SteveHarrison82Germany
- wangrocky
- yah0o
- ZiedWD
- zlcolinCP
- zlorb
- zoewinsorHaidian District,Beijing