
Hook scripts for Foreman/Red Hat Satellite to provision hosts using the foreman bootdisk host image.

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Hook scripts for Foreman/Red Hat Satellite to provision hosts using the foreman bootdisk host image.

The hook will check if there is DHCP enabled on the subnet and just exit if this is the case, this allows the hook to be used in a mixed environment where DHCP is enabled for some subnets.

Because the hook needs to be started at create event, the hook has to fork a background process that will wait for the host object to be available in foreman and then continue the provisioning operation. Unless we do this, the host is not available when the hook tries to download the bootdisk image. (Using the after_create event was attempted, but the host object is not in foreman even after the after_create event)

Table of Contents


When DHCP servers are not available in all subnets the foreman bootdisk ISO imaga can be used to bootstrap a systems and start a kickstart installation.

To make the process of provisioning systems automatic these hooks will automate the following tasks:

When a host is created, or placed in build mode the hook will:

  1. Download the bootdisk ISO from satellite
  2. For compute resources, upload the ISO to: RHEV ISO Domain, VMWare datastore etc.
  3. Connect the bootdisk ISO image to the host.
  4. Configure the host to boot from CD-Rom.

When the kicstart reports to foreman that the host is built

  1. Wait for the VM to shutdown. (Kickstart need to be configured to do a poweroff, not a reboot)
  2. Remove/Disconnect/Unmount the ISO image from the host.
  3. Reconfigure the host to boot from hard drive.
  4. Start the host.


Create user in Foreman/Satellite 6

The hooks use hammer and the Foreman/Satellite 6 REST API, create a user for the hook and add the just the required roles instead of using the admin account.

Create the user

hammer user create \
  --firstname Boot \
  --lastname Disk \
  --login bootdisk \
  --mail "admin@example.com" \
  --organizations "Example ORG" \
  --locations example_loc \
  --auth-source-id 1 \
  --password 85fb46a73ce646e48af68a4f3dead702

Add roles to the user

hammer user add-role --login bootdisk2 --role "Viewer"
hammer user add-role --login bootdisk2 --role "View hosts"
hammer user add-role --login bootdisk2 --role "Boot disk access"

Configure hammer to use our user without prompting for password

The hook is running as user foreman, we need to setup hammer cli_config for this user to use the bootdisk user, and not prompt for a password.

mkdir -p /usr/share/foreman/.hammer/cli_config.yml
cat << EOF > /usr/share/foreman/.hammer/cli_config.yml
  :interactive: false

    :enable_module: true
    :host: 'https://sat61.lnx.example.com/'
    :username: 'bootdisk'
    :password: '85fb46a73ce646e48af68a4f3dead702'
chown -R foreman:foreman /usr/share/foreman/.hammer
chmod 0600 /usr/share/foreman/.hammer/cli_config.yml

Configure sudo

Sudo must be configured to allow the foreman user to run /usr/bin/logger.

cat << EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/foreman-hooks 
# The requiretty default is a non-sensible default.
#   it does not add any benefits, but it breaks valid sudo usage.
#  See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1020147 for details.
# The default on RHEL is to require a tty.
# To allow the bootdisk hook to use sudo, we are disabling requiretty for the
# foreman user.
Defaults:foreman !requiretty

foreman ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/logger

.cache directory in foreman useds $HOME

hammer might need a .cache directory in $HOME/.cache for bootdisk downloads to work.

mkdir /usr/share/foreman/.cache
chown foreman:foreman /usr/share/foreman/.cache

Change templates to not requre DHCP

By default the provisioning templates will create a bootdisk that require a DHCP server. To generate bootdisk images that does not require a DHCP server the iPXE and/or PXELINUX templates must be modified to pass network configuration to Anaconda by appending the configuration on kernel command line.

Lukas Zapletal wrote this excellent blog article which explain how to modify the templates:



RHEV/Ovirt Specific sudo rules and users

For RHEV/Ovirt we also need to run cp and rm as the vdsm user to upload the bootdisk ISO file to the ISO Domain. This is needed to set the correct user/group on the file when copying it to the ISO Domain.

Create RHEV/Ovirt specific users/groups

groupadd -g 36 kvm
useradd --system -u 36 -g 36 --no-create-home --shell /bin/nologin vdsm

Add RHEV/Ovirt spcific sudorules

echo "foreman ALL=(vdsm) NOPASSWD:/bin/cp" >> /etc/sudoers.d/foreman-hooks
echo "foreman ALL=(vdsm) NOPASSWD:/bin/rm" >> /etc/sudoers.d/foreman-hooks

Mount the RHEV/Ovirt ISO Domain to the Foreman/Satellite 6 server

echo "rhevm.lnx.example.com:/var/lib/exports/iso /iso_domain   nfs _netdev,defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

mount -a

Configuration file

The bootdisk_hook scripts expects to find its configuration file in /etc/foreman/hooks/foreman_bootdisk.conf. The configurationf file is a shellvar file that is sourced by the hook scripts. The parameters are specified below.

The directory /etc/foreman/hooks does not exist by default, this should be creted.

mkdir -p /etc/foreman/hooks

Since the configuration file contains password for the foreman/satellite 6 user it makes sense to limit the permissions...

chown foreman:foreman /etc/foreman/hooks/foreman_bootdisk.conf
chmod 0600 /etc/foreman/hooks/foreman_bootdisk.conf


The directory where the hook scripts live.


Log levels debug, info or error is supported.


Controls how many times we try to perform tasks/checks that might not complete. Such as waiting for the foreman host object to be completely created.


Time in seconds to wait before retrying a task/check. This number is multiplied with for each attempt to increase the wait time for each iteration.


Wheater to use the full foreman bootdisk, if false the iPXE image will be used.


The local directory where bootdisk ISO's are stored.


The FQDN of the foreman/satellite 6 server.


Foreman user username


Foreman user password


The oVirt/RHEV iso domain needs to be mounted on the foreman/satellite server. The OVIRT_ISO_DOMAIN_PATH points the full path to the directory on the NFS server where ISO files is stores.

e.g: /nfs_mnt//images/<111...>



Set up the hook directory structure

Foreman hooks are stored under /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks, dirctories for objects and subdirectories for events. In this case we need to create the following structure.

└── host
    └── managed
        ├── after_build
        ├── after_provision
        └── create

Create symlinks to the hook for each event.

ln -s /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_hook host/managed/create/20_bootdisk_hook
ln -s /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_hook host/managed/after_provision/20_bootdisk_hook
ln -s /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_hook host/managed/after_build/20_bootdisk_hook


The scripts in this repo does not contain any baremetal support, but adding such support using hardware vendor remote management controller with support for virtual media is possible.



Example log output, when bootdisk_hook provisions VMWare vm using the foreman bootdisk

Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11027]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Subnet ID: 2, DHCP disabled
Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11029]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - DHCP is disabled, running bootdisk hook
Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11031]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/foreman_object_wait after_build vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.h5MGaCne3Q
Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11033]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_get after_build vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.h5MGaCne3Q
Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11035]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_provision after_build vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.h5MGaCne3Q
Dec 31 17:22:15 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11037]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: rm -f /tmp/foreman_hooks.h5MGaCne3Q
Dec 31 17:22:19 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11054]: bootdisk_get INFO - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Succesfully downloaded foreman bootdisk
Dec 31 17:22:21 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[11079]: bootdisk_provision DEBUG - after_build vmware01.prod.example.com - Compute resource provider is: VMWare
Dec 31 17:22:22 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Decrypted compute resource password
Dec 31 17:22:22 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Begin after_build
Dec 31 17:22:22 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Action stop vm: vmware01.prod.example.com
Dec 31 17:22:22 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Action stop vm: vmware01.prod.example.com completed succesfylly
Dec 31 17:22:23 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Uplaoding ISO to dataststore: vmware01.prod.example.com/vmware01.prod.example.com.iso
Dec 31 17:22:28 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Re-config vm: vmware01.prod.example.comadd cdrom, set bootdev: cd
Dec 31 17:22:28 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Re-config vm: vmware01.prod.example.comtask complete
Dec 31 17:22:28 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Action start vm: vmware01.prod.example.com
Dec 31 17:22:29 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[11092]: INFO: Action start vm: vmware01.prod.example.com completed successfylly

Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2709]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Subnet ID: 2, DHCP disabled
Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2712]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - DHCP is disabled, running bootdisk hook
Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2714]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/foreman_object_wait after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.YgHdrcRBYa
Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2716]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_get after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.YgHdrcRBYa
Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2718]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/bootdisk_provision after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com /tmp/foreman_hooks.YgHdrcRBYa
Jan 02 22:47:33 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2721]: 20_bootdisk_hook DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Command: rm -f /tmp/foreman_hooks.YgHdrcRBYa
Jan 02 22:47:35 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2745]: bootdisk_provision DEBUG - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Compute resource provider is: VMWare
Jan 02 22:47:36 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: Decrypted compute resource password
Jan 02 22:47:36 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: Begin after_provision
Jan 02 22:47:36 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: Waiting for vm vmware01.prod.example.com current state: poweredOn tochange...
Jan 02 22:47:38 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: Waiting for vm vmware01.prod.example.com current state: poweredOn tochange...
Jan 02 22:47:42 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: Waiting for vm vmware01.prod.example.com current state: poweredOn tochange...
Jan 02 22:47:48 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: Waiting for vm vmware01.prod.example.com current state: poweredOn tochange...
Jan 02 22:47:56 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: Waiting for vm vmware01.prod.example.com current state: poweredOn tochange...
Jan 02 22:48:06 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: Re-config vm: vmware01.prod.example.com remove cdrom, set bootdev: hd
Jan 02 22:48:07 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: Re-config vm task success for: vmware01.prod.example.com
Jan 02 22:48:07 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: Action start vm: vmware01.prod.example.com completed successfylly
Jan 02 22:48:07 sat61.lnx.example.com /usr/share/foreman/config/bootdisk_hook/providers/vmware.rb[2758]: INFO: ISO image: [DS01] vmware01.prod.example.com/vmware01.prod.example.com.iso succesfully deleted
Jan 02 22:48:07 sat61.lnx.example.com bootdisk_hook[2781]: bootdisk_get INFO - after_provision vmware01.prod.example.com - Succesfully deleted foreman bootdisk from bootdisk store