DriverBuddy is an IDA Python script to assist with the reverse engineering of Windows kernel drivers.
- 0x27EIP
- 0xcpu
- 1njectedRzec AB
- 1padM1nI2
- 4B5F5F4B
- 5y5tem5
- aancwIndonesia
- adamhosSantiago, Chile
- bryannolen
- chubbymaggie
- cmarutiCrema, Italy
- extremecoders-reSol III
- forestsource
- gb-sn
- idkwimsouth korea
- ionrover2
- jack0panChina
- KernelGangsterSouth Korea
- L4ys@TrapaSecurity
- lololosys
- M1suzu
- myst404
- nbosa
- neitsa@quarkslab
- netbiosXPentestLab
- obrien-jMicrosoft Canada
- pandazhengpandazhengzheng
- PeterBortas
- rtosman
- sasqwatch
- schrodyn
- tais9Seoul, Korea
- vervialSingapore
- walterj89Notta
- xiaobfly
- zdone