
Extension adds a new tab in Burp Suite called Extractor

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Installation Instructions For Those That Don't Want to Compile Themselves:

  1. Download Google's GSON library from Maven (http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.2/gson-2.8.2.jar) wget http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.2/gson-2.8.2.jar

  2. In Burp's Extender/Options/Java Environment select the folder where you downloaded Google's GSON library

  3. Add the extension from Burp's Extender/Extensions tab. (the extension is the jar file in the dist folder of the repo).

Compilation Instructions:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Save Burp's interface files to a new folder by going to Burp's tab Extender/APIs and clicking the Save interface files button. Then copy these files into the src/burp directory of the cloned repo.

  3. Download Google's GSON library from Maven (http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.2/gson-2.8.2.jar) wget http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.2/gson-2.8.2.jar

From the extractor directory: 4. mkdir build 5. javac -cp gson-2.8.2.jar -d build src/burp/*.java 6. jar cf extractor.jar -C build burp

Then load the extractor.jar file in the Extender tab of burp. (you will also need to point Burp's path to the folder where you stored the GSON library: Burp Extender > Options > Java Environment)

It should add a new tab called Extractor to Burp.

Extractor tab screenshot

User Manual:


This extension adds a new tab in Burp Suite called Extractor

Within this tab you can add nodes to a tree to describe what the data in requests or responses looks like. Each Leaf in that tree will create a new tab everywhere a query or response is shown with the query data transformed according to all parent nodes up to the specific leaf.

For example, if the request's body is a XML payload with a specific tag containing a Base64 encoded string, the tree would look like the following:

node tree sample image

With the above setup, every request and response now contains a tab named Body>XML:tag_name>Base64 that tab should contain the Base64 decoded data contained in the XML tag tag_name of the request's body. Changing the data in that tab will Base64 encode the data, and inject it back in that same XML tag of the request's body (so that you can modify request's while intercepting them in Proxy/Intercept or craft payloads in Repeater).

Node Types List:


No Parameter.
This node does Base64 Decoding of the data passed to it and re-encodes it along the chain when you modify the data at its level or any of its child.

Url Decode

No Parameter.
This node does basic URL Decoding of the data passed to it, be careful that the data modified within this node or any of its child might look different once re-encoded along the chain as only invalid URL characters will be re-encoded.


No Parameter.
This node un-GZips the data passed to it and GZips it back if itself or any of it's child is modified.

BinToHex (Binary to Hexadecimal)

No Parameter.
This node converts data passed to it from binary to a hexadecimal string. It converts back the data from hexadecimal string to binary if its data or any of its child data is modified.

HexToBin (Hexadecimal to binary)

No Parameter.
This node converts data passed to it from a hexadecimal string to binary. It converts back the data from binary to a hexadecimal string if its data or any of its child data is modified.

Url Parameter

One Parameter:

  • URL Parameter Name: specify the name of the URL parameter to be extracted.

This node extracts data from one URL Parameter node of type x-www-form-urlencoded. It can be used directly as a Header child node to extract a URL parameter from the request's URL, or as a body child node if the body only contains URL style parameters, or as a child of any other node if it contains a URL or x-www-form-urlencoded parameters. Modified data will be injected back in the parameter at the same position.

Body Parameter

Two Parameters:

  • Parameter Name: Name of the body parameter that needs to be extracted.
  • Boundary String: copy in this parameter the content of the boundary flag from the request. (don't add any additional dashes here)

This node is used to extract a body parameter of type multipart/form-data. Modified data will be injected back in the parameter at the same place.


One Parameter:

  • Cookie Name: the name of the cookie that needs to be processed.

This nodes extracts data from one cookie, Modified data will be injected back in the cookie. This node should be used a direct child of the Header node.

Header Flag

One Parameter:

  • Header flag name: the name of the flag that should be extracted from the request.

This node extracts the content of one header flag, modified data will be injected back in the flag. This node should be used as a direct child of the Header node.


One Parameter:

  • XML node name: the name of the node from which to extract data.

This node extracts the value from the first XML node that matches the XML node name parameter. Modified data will be injected back into the value of that same node.

XML Parameter

Two Parameters:

  • XML node name: the name of the node from which to extract data.
  • XML node Parameter: the name of the parameter value to be extracted

This node extracts the parameter value from the first XML node that matches the XML node name. Modified data will be injected back into the parameter of that same node.


Two Parameters:

  • Name: name of the json object to extract.
  • Index (optional): If the object is a table, this index will be used to know which part ot extract, if no index is proveded and the data is a table, the whole table will be extracted. If the object is not a table, leave this field empty.

This node extracts data from a JSON payload. Only data from the top level of the payload passed to it can be extracted; however you can chain this node with other Json nodes to extract JSON objects embedded within JSON objects.


One Parameter:

  • AND with (in hex): Hexadecimal representation of the data to AND with.

This nodes ANDs the data passed to it with the data from its parameter. The data passed to node should be in binary format (use a HextoBin node first if you need). Modified data will be ANDed back, however, please note that this operation has little value has the AND operator is not bijective (you can't expect the data injected back to make sense in its context).


One Parameter:

  • OR with (in hex): Hexadecimal representation of the data to OR with.

This nodes ORs the data passed to it with the data from its parameter.The data passed to node should be in binary format (use a HextoBin node first if you need). Modified data will be ORed back, however, please not that this operation has little value has the OR operator is not bijective (you can't expect the data injected back to make sense in its context).


One Parameter:

  • XOR with (in hex): Hexadecimal representation of the data to XOR with.

This nodes XORs the data passed to it with the data from its parameter. The data passed to node should be in binary format (use a HextoBin node first if you need). Modified data will be XORed back.

Identity :

No Parameter
This node does no processing: it just displays the data that is passed to it, it is mostly useful to add a control point to check if the data passed along a chain of nodes is correct at a specific point where the node has been inserted.


One Parameter:

  • Regex: Regular expression with one submatch

This node will pass content through the regex and extract only the submatch, it is usefull for prepare a node before passing to other node. Sample ==> Callback\\((.*)\\)

Making your own nodes:

You have the option of crafting your own nodes in java, a sample node file has been provided in the code named QueryNodeXXX.java, simply copy/paste and rename it and follow the instructions provided within. Also remember to add your newly crafted node in Globals.java towards the end of the list (don't change the first 2 lines of that list if you don't want to break anything).