
A somewhat fast bitcoin blockchain parser to extract stats and ordinals files

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! The author can not be held liable for any of the contents of the bitcoin blockchain. Files uncovered using this tool could be harmful, caintain viruses, contain malicious code, and could be illegal in the user country.

This tool is a Bitcoin blockchain parser, the author does NOT endorse the use of crypto-currencies, NFTs or any sort of blockchain technology.

The tool is provided as a research curiosity.


The intent of the tool is to extract somewhat interesting data and provide some graphical data as a final result.

The tool can currently:

  • Check Merkle roots of all blocks (but does not check the chain continuity, all blocks Merkle roots are verified independently and thus this can not be used to confirm the entire "validity" of the blockchain it parses).
  • Fingerprint locking scripts (ScriptPubKey) and extract daily occurrences stats about these in CSV format.
  • Somewhat process SegWit with the intent of extracting most (but not all) ordinals files.


You will need a full copy of the entire blockchain as provided by Bitcoin Core (https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/), or at least a few consecutive files from that. Blockchain files are expected to have filenames of the format


Where XXXXX is a 5 digits number.

Compiling the tool

Compilation of the program requires ncurses-devel, and libssl-devel (sometimes called openssl-devel) packages.

From the cloned repository folder:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Tool Usage

from the build folder:

./fastbtcparser --help

should show:

Usage: ./fastbtcparser --folder=FOLDER [OPTIONS] ... 
Parse the bitcoin blockchain files in FOLDER to extract some stats about it.
The program accepts the following list of arguments
  -f, --folder=FOLDER        Parses blockchain files found in FOLDER.
  -s, --startblock=NUM       Start parsing from block file number NUM.
  -e, --endblock=NUM         Stops Parsing after block file number NUM.
  -l, --lockingscripts=FILE  Fingerprint and count locking scripts, 
                             then write results to FILENAME.
  -m, --merkleroots          Verify all transactions in blocks add up
                             to the correct Merkle root of that block.
  -o, --ordinals=FOLDER      Extract all ordinals and output all files to FOLDER.
  -t, --threads=NUM          Multithread processing to NUM threads. (recommend
                             setting to number of logical processors for maximum
                             perfomance, defaults to 1).
  -h, --help                 Print this message and exit.

More interesting set of parameters:

./fastbtcparser --folder=BLOCKSFOLDER --startblock=0 --endblock=3750 --lockingscripts=scripts --threads=16

This will create a set of CSV files containing stats about the locking scripts

Using one of the python scripts afterwards with the CSV files will generate some graphics:

../createScriptGraphsMonthly.py scriptsMonthly.csv
./fastbtcparser --folder=BLOCKSFOLDER --startblock=0 --endblock=3750 --merkleroots --threads=16

The above will verify all the merkle roots of the blocks contained in files 0 to 3750 (depending on the machine power and number of threads passed as parameter this could take a while).

mkdir ordinalsfiles
./fastbtcparser --folder=BLOCKSFOLDER --startblock=0 --endblock=3750 --ordinals=ordinalsfiles --threads=16

This will extract all ordinals files to the specified folder. Only try this if you have read and understood the risks involved with extracting files from the blockchain described higer on this page. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS WILLING TO BREAK YOUR MACHINE. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!