
Tiny .NET PE Fuzzing Harness - Proof of Concept

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


NCC Code Navi the Text Viewer and Searcher for Code Reviewers

Released as open source by NCC Group Plc - http://www.nccgroup.com/

Developed by Ollie Whitehouse, ollie dot whitehouse at nccgroup dot com


Released under AGPL see LICENSE for more information


Tiny .NET PE Fuzzing Harness - Proof of Concept


This code was released to support an NCC blog post. There are three basic components:

  • Win.DotNetAssemblyLoad - the loader harness which watches a directory a tries to load any modules
  • Win.Module - a simple managed .NET module (i.e. DLL)
  • Win.NULLFuzzer - a simple fuzz which just walks through and set each byte of the input file to null


It would be run something like this:

  • Compile the module
  • Start the harness watching a directory
  • Attach WinDbg / debugger of choice to the harness to see any interesting yet handled exceptions in unmanaged code
  • Fuzz and produce DLL test cases in the directory the harness is monitoring

Basic Example

  • Win.DotNetAssemblyLoad C:!Research\Fuzzing\DotNetPE\TestCases
  • now attached WinDbg to the process
  • Win.NULLFuzzer.exe C:!Research\DotNetPE\Win.Module.dll C:!Research\Fuzzing\DotNetPE\TestCases


This simple example on how to approach the problem did not find any issues in the 4.x runtime :)