
BAG coding challenges for recruitment

BAG Front-End Coding Challenge


Your challenge is to build out a dashboard which showcases a checklist of countries a user plans to travel. Get it looking as close to the design as possible.

You need to use ReactJs/TypeScript to complete this challenge.

  • React : NextJs or CRA
  • React Component Library : HeadlessUI, MUI or ChakraUI
  • Database : MonogoDB, PostgreSQL or any database
  • (Optional) HTML/CSS framework : TailwindCSS

How to Submission

  • Create a public/open repository (Gitlab or Github )
  • Submit link to repository & your personal details using this google form https://forms.gle/iTuhssFuMimVvsnC6
  • Deadline : 10th December at 12:00 pm

Requirements : Your users should be able to:

View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size See hover states for all interactive elements on the page.

Design assests

Desktop Design

Mobile Design

Use Icons from




  • Register before they use the dashboard
  • Login to the dashboard (you can create your own UI/flow)
  • Save list of countries Bonus : Social Login, you can use https://next-auth.js.org if using NextJs


  • Use REST API https://restcountries.com to get countries data
  • Create, Update, Read, Delete from list. (you are only adding/removing from the list)
  • Search box to find country and add it to the dashboard.
  • Add a country to the travel dashboard.
  • Click country to view full details
  • Mark a country as visited.
  • Delete a country from the list
  • Filter by visited/planning/all countries
  • Delete/Clear all visited countries.

Object/modal Structure

User Modal:

  • Name (First Name, Last Name)
  • Email (Unique)
  • Phone Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Country
  • Creation Date
  • Login Date

Best practices to follow

  • Organized Code, folders, components
  • Document/Comment your Code
  • Standardized Naming conventions (Folders, files, components)
  • Serverless functions (Vercel, Netlify)
  • Form fields validation
  • Error handling & logging
  • Env variables : Do not hard code any private or sensitive data
  • Create a README.md file with clear instructions on how to Install, Test & Run.


  • Toggle light and dark mode
  • Drag and drop to reorder items on the list
  • Enable application & system logging (errors, actions, login, logout, etc)
  • Testing
    • Integration tests for all your use cases.
    • Write unit tests with a minimum of 60% coverage.