A efficient dumper that written in shell script download all problems and submitted code from NCKU CSIE program design I judge server - CKJudge.
before using this script you need to install several package
- ubuntu
sudo apt install pandoc curl jq
run the command below and all data will save at $(pwd)/ckjudge/
bash ckjudgedumper.sh <ckjudge cookie>
here is how to get cookies
- first open your browser and login into CKJudge
- after logged in, press F12 on keyboard or right click on webpage choose
- then choose tab
from the navbar
- double click at the value which 名稱 column is
and copy that value
- Last but not least, open a Terminal and type (or copy / paste) the following command (with your own cookies fill in) in , then press Enter.
bash ckjudgedumper.sh connect.sid=<your cookies which copied to clipboard previously>