
Stratified Cross Validation in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Cross-validation from scratch: Feature selection, Tunning model parameters

The final version is inside the "Completed_version" folder


Here I import a dataset, preprocess the data and then try to find the best combination of features and KNN neighbor numbers.


The goal of this code is to implement the cross-validation method to find the most important features and the best parameter of a model.
First is preparing the data, i.e., dealing with missing values, sorting them based on their relative standard deviation, and scaling the data. Next step is explained by this pseudo code:

Pseudo-code of the whole program:

Let F total number of selected features Let K total number of folds Let N total number of neighbors for KNN implementation

  1. Prepare the data
  • a. Read the data and variables
  • b. Shuffle rows
  • c. Split the data to features and target datasets
  • d. Sort the features based on importance, i.e. relative standard deviation
  • e. Eliminate features based on their correlations, i.e. Unsupervised feature selection
  • f. Scale features
  1. For f from 1 to F
  • a. For n from 1 to N
    • i. Split the data pseudo randomly into K folds
    • ii. For k from 1 to K
  1. Set the k’th fold as test dataset and merge all other folds and set to train dataset
  2. Implement KNN with n neighbor
  3. Store the KNN accuracy in a 2D matrix
  4. Calculated the average score by dividing the matrix by K
  5. Find the maximum score and return its indices as best number of features and neighbors

Pseudo code for Cross Validation:

Split Part:

1- Create an empty 3-D array to store folds 2- Divide the data based on the class in to 2 classes, A and B a. For s from 1 to size of class A: i. For k from 1 to number of folds

  1. Send Class A instances, s, to k’th fold b. For s from 1 to size of class B
  2. Send Class B instances, s, to k’th fold

Merge part:

1- Merge all the folds but the selected one
2- Drop all NaN values
3- Return the selected fold as the test set and the merged folds as the training set

Loss function:

To compare performances between different selections of features and KNN parameters, we have used the accuracy given by KNN. We implemented Scikit-Learn function and used its score. The scores for all folds are added, and then the average is calculated and considered for comparison. All the accuracies are stored in a matrix and can be used to draw 2-D and 3-D plots.