
Utilities for performing actions on words, or collections of words.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI version shields.io PyPI status Build Status codecov Percentage of issues still open PyPI pyversions Feature Request made-with-vim

Utilities for performing actions on words, or collections of words. This is a slowly expanding library of functions, conversions, and lookups added to as I see fit. Mostly intended for fun, or convenience. Not sure what it will grow into, but it's a nice laid back project.

We are most in need of ideas for new providers! What can word_tools do for you?

Note that many of the things in this repo, and in the code are a little out of proportion compared to what the code actually does. That is perfectly fine. I set up a lot of these extra features, simply to try them out. Having had an interest in them for some time but never actually using them. Bringing us to basically the same purpose behind this project. To expand my knowledge, and grow further as a developer. Also, I just really like the badges.


Direct dependencies of this project are requests, beautifulsoup4, click, pymediawiki, and their dependencies. If installing through Pip, or setup.py, they will be installed automatically. A requirements{,_dev}.txt files have been included for a more exact listing of the full requirements, and their version numbers. However, there may be some issues with version numbers on a couple packages that I have not fully worked out yet. The pip and setup.py installation should not encounter these version mismatches.

Installation & Use

Recommended to install into a virtual environment of your desired flavor. I currently recommend virtualenvwrapper, but am using the stock venv module in the example below for simplicity. Save the user on configuring a dependency if they don't have to. If using another method to handle your venvs, modify the below to suit.

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ncdulo/word_tools.git
cd word_tools

# Create a new virtual environment, and enable it
python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

# Update Pip & friends. Optional, but recommended
pip install --upgrade pip

# Install dependencies and create executable
pip install .
# If you receive errors about "No module named 'word_tools'", try this
pip install --editable .

# With venv active, the executable location will be included in your $PATH
# Otherwise, the path to executable will be
# .env/bin/wt
wt --help
wt urbandictionary python --limit 2
wt -l 2 wikipedia python

# Deactivate the virtual environment when finished


Contributions to word_tools are always very welcome, and very much appreciated. Thank you for the interest in helping out! There are a few guidelines that I try to follow when working on this project. Laid out in the CONTRIBUTING.md file. I admit that I got a little carried away when writing it, and it looks for worse than it actually is. Simply, they are just guidelines. I tried to include the relevant information to get a development environment set up, a breakdown of the project structure, and some basic conventions for coding and submitting your content.

tldr: If you are only submitting an issue of some sort, or a small change, you only need look into the very first section of the contributing guidelines.

Development Goals

This project does not have a strict end-game in sight. It's just something I have been putting together during my free time, in sporadic bursts of interst. There are some additions that I have in mind, but in general, it is very open-ended. Some of these features, or things I would like to learn with this project include:

  • Additional Providers
    • Thesaurus Lookup.
    • StackOverflow Search.
    • GitHub Search.
  • Testing
    • Integration tests.
    • More testing specific to core classes (GenericProvider, ObjectFactory, etc).
    • Parametrize current tests. Eliminate some of those loops.
    • Are fixtures applicable anywhere?
  • Command Line Interface
    • Finalize argument specification.
    • Tidy up, verbose-ify --help text.
  • Documentation
    • Write API docs. Probably Sphinx.
    • We're gonna need a man page too.
    • Go all in with readthedocs.io support as well?

In the end, this is just something that I intend to grow over time. Trying out new things as I learn them. Or adding other features as I think them up, or find a need for them. So far, it's been a lot of fun, and I have had the opportunity to try many new things on my own. 10/10, would wt again.