
Demo support of an integration between Kafka and Bonita with nodejs microservices

Primary LanguageJava

Microservices in an Event-Driven Architecture using Bonita and Apache Kafka

This repository contains the material used for my talk about Event-Driven Architecture for Microservices. I demonstrate how Bonita (a BPMs) can be a game changer in such an architecture in term of robusteness, maintanability, evolutivity and monitoring.


As examples here are 4 sub-projects implementing an e-commerce application.

  • order:
    A sample NodeJS implementation of an Order service. This service simulates a user placing a new order to buy some goods.
  • payment:
    A sample NodeJS implementation of a Payment service. This service simulates a system charging customers credit card.
  • shipment:
    A sample NodeJS implementation of a Shipment service. This service simulates a robotic system packing goods to be sent via post mail.

There is also a pre-built adapter hiding the Apache Kafka listening logic to communicate with a Bonita application (BPMN process based app). The implementation of the Bonita application can be found in the microservice-orchestration-bonita-order-process-example GitHub repository. As an alternative the .bos file is also available here. Event-Driven Architecture with Bonita

How To Use



$ cd bonita-kafka-watcher
$ ./gradlew build
$ cd ../order
$ yarn install
$ cd ../payment
$ yarn install
$ cd ../shipment
$ yarn install



Prerequisites: Kafka and Bonita servers must be running and accessible. Server URLs can be set in the application.yml configuration file.

$ cd bonita-kafka-watcher
$ ./gradlew run

Payment and Shipment services


  • Kafka server is running and reachable
  • order service is stopped

From the service folder:

$ yarn start

Order service

Note: Each time the order service is started it produces a New Order event and publish it to Kafka. Other services will consume the message (only if they are already running)

$ cd order
$ yarn start


To create a reproducible demo environment you can use the Dockerfile descriptors to build Docker images.

$ cd order
$ sudo docker build --no-cache -t nodejs-orders-service:v1 .
$ cd ../payment
$ sudo docker build --no-cache -t nodejs-payments-service:v1 .
$ cd ../shipment
$ sudo docker build --no-cache -t nodejs-shipments-service:v1 .
$ cd ../bonita-kafka-watcher
$ sudo docker build -f Dockerfile-Monitoring --no-cache -t bonita-choreography:v1 .
$ sudo docker build -f Dockerfile-PaymentService --no-cache -t bonita-payments-service-proxy:v1 .

Note: the bonita-kafka-watcher project is used twice to create 2 distinct docker images. The first one for the Demo 2 and second one for demo 3.

Demo 1 (no Bonita involved)

Prerequisites: Kafka is running and reachable (I started a Docker container locally).

I started a Docker containers locally using Portainer.

  • Start Shipment service (nodejs-shipments-service container)
  • Start Payment service (nodejs-payments-service container)
  • Start Order service (nodejs-orders-service container) ==> an order is automatically issued and processed by Payment service then Shipment service.

Restart the Order service (i.e the Docker container itself) as often as you want to produce a 'New Order Available' event.

Demo 2 (Bonita as an alternate implementation of Payment service)

For the sake of the completeness of how Bonita can be used in an Event-Driven Microservices Architecture I demonstrated that a microservice can be easily implemented with a BPMN process using Bonita.

Prerequisites: Bonita server is running and the Payment service process implementation has been installed. See microservice-orchestration-bonita-order-process-example.

After Demo 1 has been played:

  • Stop nodejs-payments-service container
  • Start bonita-payments-service-proxy container (it only forwards 'New Order Available' messages to Bonita)
  • Open Bonita admin console to the see the process execution
  • Re-start nodejs-orders-service container to produce a 'New Order Available' message (and check in Bonita that a new instance of the payment process has been executed)

Payment Service implemented with Bonita

Demo 3 (Bonita as Choreograph)

Prerequisites: Bonita server is running and the Order Management process has been installed. See microservice-orchestration-bonita-order-process-example.

After Demo 2 has been played:

  • Start the bonita-choreography container
  • Open Bonita admin console to the see the process execution
  • Re-start nodejs-orders-service container to produce a 'New Order Available' message (and check in Bonita that a new instance of the payment process has been executed)

Choreography implemented with Bonita