
100 Days of code followed by the Full Python Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu and the London App Brewery

Primary LanguagePython


100 Days of code followed by the Full Python Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu and the London App Brewery

🔰 Beginner

  • Day 1: Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data

  • Day 2: Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings

  • Day 3: Control Flow and Logical Operators

  • Day 4: Randomisation and Python Lists

  • Day 5: Python Loops

  • Day 6: Python Functions & Karel

  • Day 7: Hangman

  • Day 8: Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher

  • Day 9: Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction

  • Day 10: Functions with Outputs

  • Day 11: The Blackjack Capstone Project

  • Day 12: Scope & Number Guessing Game

  • Day 13: Debugging: How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code

  • Day 14: Higher Lower Game Project