TypeScript Topics Help to Work with Angular

tsc 5-property.ts --target es5 && node 5-property.js

1- Variable Declaration

2- Types

3- Type Assertions (Explictlty tels to the TS about the type)

let message; // any
message = 'nuwan';

let endsWithC = (<string>message).endsWith('c');  // common interpretation
let alternativeWay = (message as string).endsWith('c')

4- Arrow Functions

5- Interfaces (less cohesion)

Interfaces are purely for decalaration NOT for implementation

function sum(point:{x:number,y:number}) => x + y ; // in-line annotation

Inline annotation is bit unclear so, we can use interface instead

interface IPoint {
    x: number,
    y: number

function sum(point:IPoint) => ...

6- Classes (Cohesion concept, highly related things have to be in as a one unit)

7- Access modifiers (private, protected, public)

8- Access Modifiers in Construtor

9- Property (Getter and Setter)
