
Ни головы, ни ножек

Primary LanguageGo

Ezhik encoder and decoder.

ezhik.go is the encoder. Given the seed, it generates the encoding block.

For example,

go run ezhik.go --seed=17 --output=out < input.txt

generates the encoding block and stores it in out.17.ezhik:

$ ls -l *.ezhik
-rw-r--r-- 1 krasin krasin 3252 2012-02-25 22:55 out.17.ezhik

We can generate many blocks at once:

go run ezhik.go --seedCount=256 --output=out < input.txt

decode_ezhik.go is the decoder. It takes n=128 (default value for encoder and decoder) or more encoding blocks and reconstructs the source message.

Usually, 130 blocks are enough to reconstruct the message.

Currently, the decoder may add trailing zero bytes. To be fixed.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountain_code for more details.