
Want to make someone go crazy with their sonos player? Check this repo!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Crazy Sonos

Want to make someone go crazy with their Sonos player? This repo will help you to make it look possessed! A project that started when I was testing the SoCo python library.

Things you can do


Set the volume of the Sonos speaker to a random value for a random amount of time


Set the volume of the Sonos speaker to the max volume you choose for a shorter random amount of time

There are also check_playing_status that checks if the speaker is reproducing something (if not it restarts the reproduction), check_time_to_run that allows you to set the maximum script execution time, check_initial_status that checks if there is reproducing something as soon as the code is run (if not it puts a radio on), and take_snapshot that is useful to restore a previous backup reproducing session (if someone stops the reproduction while the script is running, see check_playing_status that uses this).

To run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install the requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Modify settings.py file adding the sonos_ip_address (optionally you can configure the other parameters)
  4. Run script.py: python3 crazy_sonos.py. Right now the script is set to sleep first for 5 minutes then it will start to put a radio if something is not playing and then change the sonos speaker volume randomly according to the settings.
  5. ???
  6. Profit!