
Primary LanguageRuby

General info

This project is simple web scraper that takes a list of URLs and retrieves the HTML content of each page.

Table of contents


Project is created with:

  • ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38)
  • Bundler version 2.2.15
  • gem version 3.2.15

The scraper is implemented in ruby with minimal use of gems. Additional Gems:

  • thor (1.2.1)
  • require_all (3.0.0)
  • dotenv (2.8.1)
  • pry (0.14.2)


To run this project, install it locally and run bundle install:

$ cd scraper
$ bundle install
$ ruby ./main.rb crawler --file_path "list.csv" --num_threads 10


The simplest way to use is by calling ruby ./main.rb at the project root directory. You will see a list of available commands. It works like a rake gem in rails:

  main.rb crawler --file-path=FILE_PATH  # Simple web crawler in Ruby
  main.rb get_site --url=URL             # Get body from cache
  main.rb last_crawler                   # The last result of the crawler
  main.rb load_map                       # Cache of the crawler
  main.rb clear_cache                    # Clear cache
  main.rb help [COMMAND]                 # Describe available commands or one specific command

To scan sites, you need to fill in the list.csv file and specify the path to it in the --file-path attribute. For example:

$ ruby ./main.rb crawler --file_path "list.csv"


List of crawler options:

Attr Type Required Default Example
--file_path String Yes list.csv
--timeout Numeric No 100
--allowed_retries Numeric No 3 3
--num_threads Numeric No 1 10
--delay Numeric No 0.5


$ ruby ./main.rb crawler --file_path "list.csv" --timeout 100 --allowed_retries 3 --num_threads 10


After running the crawler, let's use the tail -f log/process.log just for the sake of fun of seeing the process as they happen. And this is the output you should see at your terminal:

I, [2023-01-31T01:52:04.137164 #26155] INFO -- : Run worker! PID: 26155
I, [2023-01-31T01:52:04.497718 #26155] INFO -- : https://rubydoc.info/: Net::HTTPOK, 200, OK
I, [2023-01-31T01:52:04.960279 #26155] INFO -- : https://www.rubycentral.com: Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, 301, Moved Permanently
E, [2023-01-31T01:53:04.175099 #26155] ERROR -- : https://test.com: execution expired
W, [2023-01-31T02:07:49.501383 #26473] WARN -- : Execution expired, 25s (Timeout::Error)!


After the scan is completed, you will see a report:

URI processed: 9
Response codes:

- 200: 7
- 301: 1
- error: 1

To get a list of crawled sites, run ruby ./main.rb load_map:


To find out the last run of the scanner, call ruby ./main.rb last_crawler

    Report created at: 2023-01-30 23:39:00 +0200
    URI processed: 8
    Response codes:

- 200: 7
- 301: 1

To view the saved result for a specific site, call the command ruby ./main.rb get_site --url https://slashdot.org

<!-- html-header type=current begin -->

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <html lang="en">
    <!-- Render IE9 -->



if you want to use interactive ruby shell(irb) and enable additional site sources mode (Array):

$ bundle exec irb
> require_relative 'config/environment.rb'

> w = Worker.new(mode: :array, num_threads: 10, allowed_retries: 3, timeout: 10)
> w.run(source: ["https://guides.rubyonrails.org/", "https://discuss.rubyonrails.org/"])

> w.report
> => {"https://guides.rubyonrails.org/"=>"200", "https://discuss.rubyonrails.org/"=>"200"}

> w.load_last_index
> =>
  { :uri_processed=>8,
  :codes=>{"200"=>7, "301"=>1},
  :created_at=>2023-01-30 23:39:00.057268 +0200 }

> s = w.site("https://guides.rubyonrails.org/")
> => #<Site:0x00007fe18d854bb8

> s.body
> => "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width ...