
Just trying out some newer features in Buildkite, with step dependencies and input steps (which seem to be partially released and documented).

This is mostly a log of me observing and debugging a series of builds, and me trying to dissect some of the behaviour I encountered.

Steps with a missing dependency

In the case of the first run, the answer I assumed the the key used for each field would be accessible as a step dependency. This isn't true, and it isn't possible to submit a single field without filling out all fields. You can however place a key field on the input block itself, and depend on this.

One line from the docs seems a bit confusing, and it could probably do with some clarification.

If the step you're dependent on doesn't exist, the build will fail without running the step that is waiting for the dependency.

From what I could gauge from the build itself, this build should have failed because the answer step depended on a step key that didn't exist. There was a field with the key in the input step, but it seems step keys and field keys are not different. The command itself for the answer step had a typo in it, but that doesn't matter because the job was not scheduled and run.

My guess would be that the build was stuck waiting for a step with the desired key to be created, so it could run that and then run the answer step. The build stayed "running" (do builds eventually time out if its left with no jobs scheduled or running?). The documentations imply to me that the build would immediately fail with some kind of "no step with key <key> was found for step answer, and the build failed" error message.

Perhaps the lack of immediate failure is intentional, to wait for a job to be created?

All steps can have a key

The current docs show the key field as only being available for command steps, but all steps can have a depends_on field. The key field for fields on an input/block step are for meta-data keys, not step keys.

We can show that all fields support a key attribute with a build with a set of command steps that each depends on a different step type.

In this case, each respective command step ran after the step it depended on passed, so they can have keys.

First run

Commit e00b067f // Build

I provisioned one agent for this, and it seemed to run linearly.

Yep, inputs do not block three and four from running! All fields need to filled out though, you cannot submit just one.

At the moment you can't tell whether three would have run without the first waiter unblocking. I'll need more agents so that jobs can run concurrently to investigate.

After I unblocked the continue, the later jobs (answer and five) did not start immediately running.

After 10 minutes I cancelled the build. The seemingly blocked job (key answer) had not started.

So in this case the input step did not block the succeeding command steps three and four, but did block the answer job because it had a depends_on for one of the inputs. In the end, once the input was given the job did not become unblocked and resume.

For the next run I'm going to remove the depends_on from answer, but still try to print the value from the meta-data store (with a default value provided in case *). I'm going to try and wait for this answer job to run before filling in the input.

I'll leave the concurrent agent changes investigation stuff for another run.

* I forgot the default value, see notes from the second run.

Second run

Commit 02488e2b // Build

So I forgot the set the default value and the answer job failed. It did run without waiting for the input step though.

Third run

Commit d5d66a79 // Build

I made a typo and forgot to include the actual subcommand. Should have been buildkite-agent meta-data get first-field --default "NOT SET"

Fourth run

Commit 869c1c80 // Build

So answer ran without waiting for input (rightly so), and the remaining waiter and job went after it.

The build then went into blocked mode, waiting for me to fill out the input. When I filled out the input, the build remained blocked (as of about 3-4 minutes later).

I'm going to up the agents now to see if that allows job three to run before the first waiter.

I'm gonna record the results and wrap up for tonight with this next run. Will probably pick up again tomorrow morning.

Fifth run

Commit 824c4698 // Build

So I mucked up when running the extra agents, because I just ran them from terminal sessions. This caused problems at runtime and the jobs got stuck waiting for user input.

Looking at the timelines, job three did start before job one had finished (before the first waiter unblocked) though.

Once one finished, four and five started as well, since the first waiter only depended on one and not on two.

I think I'll just follow the tutorial to set up multiple agents properly though...

Sixth run

Commit 824c4698 // Build

A permissions error prevented the build agent from starting its job. This was due to the previous step's mistake which messed up the build environment. The build directories for some agents were owned by root instead of buildkite-agent. In hindsight I really should have done it this way...

Seventh run

Commit 824c4698 // Build

Much like the fifth run, jobs one, two and three were all scheduled immediately, without three depending on the waiter. After that the second set of jobs ran, and later the final job (five).

Seems to be running as expected. I'm going to update the comments in the YAML file to identify when they run. You can check this against the timeline of each step within Buildkite.

The most noticable error was saying that the input step would depend on the waiter, which isn't true because inputs don't "create any dependencies to the steps before and after it" [1].