for HTAN Monitor


This tool is designed to monitor activity in a specified Synapse fileview. It checks for any entities modified within a set time frame and sends an update to a Slack channel. This is particularly useful for teams using Synapse for collaborative projects, as it keeps everyone informed about the latest changes.


  • Synapse Integration: Connects to Synapse to access fileview data.
  • Slack Notifications: Sends daily updates to a designated Slack channel.
  • Customizable Time Frames: Allows for setting specific intervals for monitoring changes.
  • User-Friendly Updates: Formats Slack messages with Markdown for easy reading.


  • Python 3.x
  • Synapse account with access to the desired fileview.
  • Slack webhook URL for sending notifications.

Environment Variables

  • FILEVIEW: Synapse Fileview ID to monitor.
  • WEBHOOK: Slack webhook URL for sending notifications.
  • SCHEDULED_JOB_SECRETS: JSON containing Synapse authentication token.



  1. Install Python 3.x if not already installed.
  2. Clone or download this repository.
  3. Install required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Run the script: python {fileview_synid} {slack_webhook_url}


A docker container is automatically built and pushed to GCHR when changes are made to this repo.

  1. Pull the Docker image:

    docker pull
  2. Run the Docker container

    docker run \
        -e FILEVIEW={fileview_synid} \
        -e WEBHOOK={slack_webhook_url} \
        -e SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN={synapse_auth_token} \

AWS Scheduled Job

Set up an AWS Scheduled Job with the following parameters

  1. Image:
  2. Command: python ./ ${FILEVIEW} ${WEBHOOK}
  3. Secrets: SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN={synapse_auth_token}
  4. EnvVars: FILEVIEW={fileview_synid},WEBHOOK={slack_webhook_url}
  5. Schedule: (to run daily at 0800 UTC): cron(0 8 * * ? *)


  • synapse_login(): Authenticates and connects to Synapse.
  • find_modified_entities_fileview(): Retrieves entities modified within a specified time frame.
  • enrich_count(): Enriches data with additional details from Synapse.
  • dataframe_to_slack_block_with_md_links(): Formats the data into Slack message blocks with Markdown links.
  • send_message_to_slack_blocks(): Sends the formatted message to Slack.


Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact the maintainers directly.