My i.c.stars Workshop Deliverables (Completed on 10.6.2023)

See all these functions in action here!


Welcome to my i.c.stars workshop deliverables repository! These deliverables were designed to help me practice and showcase my skills in React, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and more.

In this repository, I worked on four simple projects that demonstrated various aspects of web development.


  1. Calculate Sum of Numbers: I wrote a JavaScript program that calculated the sum of all numbers from 1 to a given number n. I used a for loop to accomplish this task.

  2. Print Even Numbers: I created a JavaScript program that used a while loop to print all even numbers from 1 to a given number n.

  3. Check Voting Eligibility: I created a JavaScript function called checkVotingEligibility that took one parameter, age. Inside the function, I used an if statement to check if the age was greater than or equal to 18. This assignment focused on checking whether a person was eligible to vote based on their age.

  4. Counter in React: For this assignment, I built a counter in React. I created a simple counter application using the React library and implemented features such as incrementing, decrementing, and resetting the counter.