
Send to telegram bot interesting supermarket discounts

Primary LanguagePython

Offerte Supermercati

This project is made to provide supermarket discounts as text messages on Telegram. It uses webscraping tools to search for interesting offers on supermarket web pages.

Currently, only the following supermarkets are considered:

  • Eurospin Trento

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/ncldlbn/offerte_supermercato.git
$ cd offerte_supermercato
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. In main.py replace:

with local absolute path like:

  1. In the folder ./data/input/ create new token.txt file containing the telegram token in the first row and the chatID in the second row, like the example below:


Run the code as a cron job, for example if you want to run it every day at 1 PM place in the crontab the following line:

0 13 * * * python /home/folder/offerte_supermercato/src/main.py