
Fork of whtiehack/node-luajit. Implemented CMake-JS for bests results

Primary LanguageC

Node-luajit binding

support npai version 6(node minimum version v10.20.0).

need lower version check the branch 8.x-10.x or 6.x.

Cross platform. (win,mac,linux)[x64]

similar as https://github.com/brettlangdon/NodeLua


  1. nodejs -> lua is async.
  2. nodejs -> lua in queue, so lua internal is sync.
  3. all luaState are independent.
  4. now lua can't call nodejs direct.
  5. add,linux auto compile luajit.[2018-01-29] http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.1.0-beta3.tar.gz
  6. add, cjson compile and auto load. [2018-01-29] https://github.com/openresty/lua-cjson/archive/master.zip
  7. win64 need fix.

  8. support napi. support node 10.20.x-14.x [2021-01-06]


npm install node-luajit

// some times maybe need 
npm install node-luajit --unsafe-perm

node napi

Linux build luajit

git clone https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT.git
sudo make install

and need add one line /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf file, and run 「/sbin/ldconfig –v」 refresh.


ln -s /usr/local/lib/libluajit-5.1.so.2.0.4 /usr/lib

sudo ldconfig

simple usage

var MyLua = require('node-luajit');
var lua = new MyLua();

lua.doString('print("hello world") return "rettest"',function(err,ret){
    console.log('dostring ret:',err,ret)

    console.log('doFile ret:',err,ret)


var lua1 = new MyLua();
var lua2 = new MyLua();

lua1.doString('print("hello world") return "rettest"',function(err,ret){
    console.log('lua1 dostring ret:',err,ret)
lua2.doString('print("hello world") return "rettest"',function(err,ret){
    console.log('lua2 dostring ret:',err,ret)

    console.log('lua1 doFile ret:',err,ret)

    console.log('lua2 doFile ret:',err,ret)


generate xcode project:

node-gyp configure --debug -- -f xcode

if got TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort() error.

use python2 instead, such as PYTHON=/usr/bin/python node-gyp configure -- -f xcode

Now you should have a ./build/binding.xcodeproj which you can open.

Configure the executable of the project in Xcode as node and debug away :)