
Website for Vision Stage presentation with examples / demos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vision Stage

The simple, intuitive way to make Web apps

✦ Zero friction ⇢ Pure focus ! ✦

→ Français

Vision stage is a minimalist & intuitive Web component library and Web app framework, using lit-html templates and reactive properties – all with vanilla JS/HTML. No build step required.


Vision Stage provides – I beleive – the best developer experience out there… Its simplicity frees you from wasteful diversions with the concerns, confusion and frustrations of working with non-standard syntax, concepts and workflow / tooling that other, complex libraries and frameworks force you to deal with.

Such true simplicity means you can stay in the creative flow, and focus on what matter – your app ! In my book, that is truly agile, and future-proof development…

Forget about ultra-optimizing everything; simplicity is already, by nature, lightweight and fast. Quite fast enough in fact, compared to so many small and medium apps using way overkill frameworks…

I hope you find the same joy using it as the joy I had and still have developing it ! ✌

Why "Vision Stage"?

  1. It's ideal for quickly starting to build your app while in the ideation stage, the "vision" stage, since there's zero friction to slow you down and frustrate you and get you out of your creative flow.

  2. The app is a special component, a visual stage to frame your vision, kept within specific aspect-ratios; so it's a way to stage and resize your content consistently like with games.

Currently, I'm in the process of documenting Vision Stage properly, making examples and (forever) cleaning and refining styles.