ACR Build Task Github action

A Github action to use Azure Container Registry to build and store docker containers.


dockerfile [OPTIONAL]

Path to the Dockerfile relative to folder; defaults to ./Dockerfile

folder [OPTIONAL]

Build context for Docker; default to the root of the git repository

repository [MANDATORY]

The repository on the Azure Container Registry to hold the image


Docker image name


Docker image tag; defaults to the first 8 charcater of the commit SHA

git_access_token [OPTIONAL]

The Github access token for private repositories

registry [MANDATORY]

The Azure Container Registry name

tenant [MANDATORY]

The Azure tenant where the ACR is located



The Service Principal credentials (see below)

build_args [OPTIONAL]

Build arguments to be passed to the Docker build process

Example usage

Create an SP with Contributor access to the Azure Container Registry

az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "acrtask0" --skip-assignment
az role assignment create --assignee <spID> --scope <resourceID of the ACR> --role "Contributor"

In your repository, create the following secrets (or set them in clear in the workflow definition):

  • service_principal
  • service_principal_password
  • tenant
  • registry
  • repository
  • (optional, for accessing private repositories) git_access_token

In .github/workflows create a workflow file like the following:

name: build_poi
      - "src/poi/**"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: ACR build
        id: acr
        uses: ams0/acr-task-github-action@v1
          service_principal: ${{ secrets.service_principal }}
          service_principal_password: ${{ secrets.service_principal_password }}
          tenant: ${{ secrets.tenant }}
          registry: ${{ secrets.registry }}
          repository: ${{ secrets.repository }}
          image: poi
          git_access_token: ${{ secrets.git_access_token }}
          folder: src/poi
          dockerfile: ../../dockerfiles/Dockerfile_3

You can find the example here. The workflow will be triggered when something is pushed to src/poi folder.


  • service_principal the SP for logging into the ACR (mandatory)
  • service_principal_password the SP password (mandatory)
  • tenant SP tenant (mandatory)
  • registry the Azure container registry, minus the part (mandatory)
  • repository remote repository (mandatory)
  • branch git branch (optional)
  • git_access_token git access token (optional)
  • image the docker image name (optional)
  • folder the context for the docker build (optional)
  • dockerfile the location of the Dockerfile relative to the context (optional)
  • tag the docker image tag, defaults to the short git SHA (optional)
  • build_args (optional) the docker build args in JSON format ([{"MY_ARG": "this_is_a_test"}])