
Logger backend for Elixir applications

Primary LanguageElixir


cloud_watch is a logger backend for Elixir that puts log events on Amazon CloudWatch.


Add cloud_watch and aws to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:cloud_watch, "~> 0.3.2"},
   {:aws, "~> 0.5.0"}]

Ensure cloud_watch is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:cloud_watch]]


Add the backend to config.exs:

config :logger,
  backends: [:console, CloudWatch],
  utc_log: true

Configure the following example to suit your needs:

config :logger, CloudWatch,
  access_key_id: "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
  secret_access_key: "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
  region: "eu-west-1",
  endpoint: "amazonaws.com",
  log_group_name: "api",
  log_stream_name: "production",
  max_buffer_size: 10_485,
  max_timeout: 60_000

The endpoint may be omitted from the configuration and will default to amazonaws.com. The max_buffer_size controls when cloud_watch will flush the buffer in bytes. You may specify anything up to a maximum of 1,048,576 bytes. If omitted, it will default to 10,485 bytes.

Dynamic log stream names

Some applications need more flexibility in log_stream_name, incl. ability to change the name dynamically (e.g. every day or every hour).
If you configure log_stream_name as a tuple {module, function, args} (MFA), then the function will be invoked and its return value used as the stream name.

Similar configuration can be used for log_group_name as well.
For example:

config :logger, CloudWatch,
  log_group_name: {MyDynamicNaming, :append_node_name, ["/aws/ec2/my-app-logs/"]},
  log_stream_name: {MyDynamicNaming, :get_log_stream_name_change_every_day, []}

defmodule MyDynamicNaming do
  def append_node_name(value), do: "#{value}#{node()}"
  def get_log_stream_name_change_every_day(), do: "#{Date.utc_today()}/my-log-stream"

Alternative AWS client library: ExAws

Default installation instructions assume that the AWS Elixir library will be used. If you have to (or prefer to) use ExAws instead, solution is really simple: Replace aws with ex-aws in your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:cloud_watch, "~> 0.2.8"},
  {:ex_aws, "~> 2.0"}]

CloudWatch switches to ExAws automagically based on its presence at compile time. Just make sure that aws is not added as a dependency of another application in an umbrella project.

Note that ExAws resolves AWS credentials through its own configuration. As a consequence, following keys in CloudWatch configuration are not used:

  • access_key_id
  • secret_access_key
  • region
  • endpoint

ExAws requires valid AWS keys in order to work properly

This statement seems obvious, but it may be useful to understand how the system behaves when the configuration is not right:

Logger uses a build-in supervisor that is well capable of handling most problems. For example, network connection issues or invalid AWS keys seems to be treated well, with meaningful messages logged to other backend (console or file). If the error is transient, messages are sent to CloudWatch logs after recovery.

When ExAws cannot find the AWS secret key through the credential resolution process (see ExAws documentation for details), the initial error message makes sense:

** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
           ** (RuntimeError) Instance Meta Error: {:error, %{reason: :connect_timeout}}

   You tried to access the AWS EC2 instance meta, but it could not be reached.
   This happens most often when trying to access it from your local computer,
   which happens when environment variables are not set correctly prompting
   ExAws to fallback to the Instance Meta.

   Please check your key config and make sure they're configured correctly

However, you'll experience a flood of errors and sasl reports, as both Logger and ExAws supervisors are busy restarting children over and over. Finding the root cause is a challenge, as the subsequent error messages are misleading: ":ehostdown", "argument error", ":badarg, {:ets, :lookup}".

Missing AWS keys is a permanent error (unless the keys can magically show up in your app), hence should be caught early during deployment. Our advice is to add an AWS call to the application start logic. This can be an application specific request (especially when the application talks to AWS for other services), or just a dummy AWS call. Alternatively, the ExAws configuration can be tested without calling AWS, e.g.

ExAws.Auth.validate_config(ExAws.Config.new(:logs, []))