
Amazon EC2 Windows Instances require you to paste in your SSH private key to decrypt the password to the instance. Although they do the decryption locally, in Javascript, I'd still prevent to do it locally... not trusting Amazon.

Primary LanguagePython


Amazon EC2 Windows Instances require you to paste in your SSH private key to decrypt the password to the instance. Although they do the decryption locally, in Javascript, I'd still prefer to do it locally... not trusting Amazon.

To Use:

  1. Select your Windows Instance
  2. Actions -> Get System Log
  3. Your full encrypted password will be there, copy it
  4. Run It
$ ./decrypt-windows-ec2-passwd.py -p "ercW1ff...9zEw==" -k ~/.ssh/ec2.pem

Password: bG7hKK1Kt;8

Alternatively, you can use the Go version:

$ go run decrypt-windows-ec2-passwd.go ~/.ssh/ec2.pem "ercW1ff...9xEw=="
Encrypted private key. Please enter passphrase:
Decrypted password: bG7hKK1Kt;8

(Full credit to agl for the Go version, and marcin for making the Python version accept passphrases)