
Constellation Node Operator Automation Alerting Program

Primary LanguageShell


Node Operator Datapreneuer Alerting Automation Program


  1. About Program
  2. Changes
  3. Features
  4. Usage
  5. How to Configure
    1. Parameter Description Table
  6. Understanding the Log File
  7. Sending Log Reports for Taxes or Documentation
  8. Installation
    1. Install note
  9. Common Commands and Troubleshooting
  10. File Structure


A Python automation and status program to run on your node. It will send you alerts so you can keep up to date on the progress of your node, DAGs, rewards, and basic system engineering statistics, to help keep you in the know.



This is a dynamic program that runs directly on your node to update you with your node's progress via:

1. Text Message (mms or sms)
2. Email
3. Directly from your Node's console

This program will monitor your node's state and how it is running.

The following code is free to use as you would like, and you are welcome to contribute to it to make it better and more feature rich, as necessary. If you like this script, please let me know via twitter, github, or through the community channels. (CryptoNole)

Version: v2.0


  • REMOVED BETA CLASSIFICATION. The automation program has been vetted over time and it is felt that it is ready to continue its lifecycle as a regular release.
  • adminauto script has been added to simplify the install, upgrade, start, and stop procedures previously done manually and requiring more interaction form an advanced point of view. Also offers alternative to execute alerts, reports, and health checks.
  • Separated out emails from MMS in order to fix some buggy results in the MMS egress messaging.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Enable/Disable Intervals to allow health checks only.
  • Various Bug fixes.
  • Updated the End of Day report output to include collateral section.


  • Email alerts
  • SMS/MMS alerts
  • Node Reward Accumulation
    • Possible reset detection
  • Node Reward/Collateral Accumulation
  • Health Checks
    • Load Balancer
    • Load Balancer's view or your Endpoint
  • $DAG to USD
  • Current $DAG price v. USD
  • Node Status
  • Web Status
  • Node State
  • Data Usage
  • Memory and Swap Warning
  • Uptime Warning
  • CPU Load Warning
  • Log Error Rate Alerting
  • Security Checks
    • Unauthorized login attempts
    • Login attempt port ranges
    • Brute Force Login Failures
  • Network Node List Size
  • Reinvestment to Income Splits
  • Earned Node Counter
  • End of Day Summary with passive earnings and estimations
  • Local Print Feature
  • Log DAG accumulation and pricing history
    • Print or email details for date or date range
    • CSV attachment via email



It is still recommended to review the usage section to understand what the commands will accomplish and how to do this manually through the actual python program.

command Parameters Optional
python3 automation.py alert report auto health silent -p, v, &

& will run the system in the background until ctl-c performed.

For use of the auto feature, there is an adminauto script that can be utilized for ease of use. Please see the adminauto section for details.

CLI Parameter Description
auto This will start the program and continue running until ctl-c is executed, or the job is killed. It will run in the foreground, unless you use &. The system will use the information from the configuration parameters. start_time, end_time, and int_minutes.
alert This will run the a system alert report once. This allows you to run a one-time instance of the program, at the time of your choice (current moment in time when executed).
report This will run the system and send the end of the day report once. This allows you to run a one-time instance of the program, at the time of your choice. Note: This may produce unexpected statistical results, if not run at the end of the day.
silent This will run the program and update log files, but will not alert to the user via MMS, SMS or email.
health This will perform a health check against the load balancer (LB) configured in the config.yaml file and your node's connection to the LB. Add the -p option to print to the console (CLI) instead of email.

If you disable subject headers by changing add_subject in the configuration to disabled, you will not receive MMS/SMS messages with subject lines (does not affect emails).

Help Usage

usage: automation.py [-h] [-p] [-c EMAIL] [-ss START_DATE] [-se END_DATE] [-v]

dag alerting script

positional arguments:
  ACTION                Type of action the script will run: (auto, alert,
                        report, health, silent or log). Search dates
                        (currently) only work with the "log" action.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --print           print to the console instead of mms/sms/email, does
                        not work with 'auto'.
  -c EMAIL, --csv EMAIL
                        For use with the 'log' action only. Program will send
                        a csv formatted file with search results to the
                        specified email.
  -ss START_DATE, --search_start START_DATE
                        For use with 'log' action. The start date search log
                        files for DAG balance at a certain date in time.
                        Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This will supply the last entry
                        recorded for the specified date. If search_end is not
                        specified a single date will be searched.
  -se END_DATE, --search_end END_DATE
                        For use with 'log' action. The end date to search log
                        files. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Start the program to run on a schedule via the configuration parameters (start/stop/interval)

python3 automation.py auto 

or run it in the background

python3 automation.py auto &

The auto command will execute the alert command every n int_minutes, between the times configured in the interval section of the configuration file. At 5 minutes past the end_time, the report command will be issued. No alerts will be sent outside of the start_time and end_time.

Send out a manual alert

python3 automation.py alert

MMS (SMS) message on the phone or email will be received, upon execution completion.

Print to the CLI

python3 automation.py alert -p

The system will log the entry and print the results to the console. It will not send an email, mss, or alert.

Example Output:

2021-06-30 12:30:00
Rewards: 300,000 +12
USD: $17,411.40 +$0.70
DAG @ $0.058038
Collateral Nodes: 2.200000
Collateral DAGs: 550,000
Collateral USD$: $31,920.90
Next Node: 200,000
Node Status : online
Web Status : online
Node State : Ready
Data usage: 12% of 18G
Memory: LOW@368,348
Swap: OK@7,713,020
Days up: OK@12
15M CPU: OK@2.00
Health ChecK: Healthy
Ready Nodes: 81
Inv Login Attempts: 683
Port Range: 1034-65428
Max Login Exceeded: 15

Results above are fictitious. node_count parameter set to 2 (details here: node_count).

KEY Result Description
rewards How many rewards you have earned so far. How much your collateral has increased since the last time the program ran (incremental).
USD What are your rewards worth in $USD. How much has it changed + for increases, () for decreases.
Splits Based on the splits setup in the configuration, it will show you split1/split2
DAG Price What is the current price, based on an API call in real time. (coingecko). In the event an API call is unsuccessful after three attempts, a triple asterisk(*) will appear after the price to indicate the price is reflected from the last known log entry with a valid price.
DAG Price Change What was the change since the last lookup + for increases, () for decreases.
Collateral Nodes Based on the number of nodes you added to the configuration file prior to running the program. It will compute the number of Nodes you could possibly have.
Collateral DAGs Based on the number of nodes you added to the configuration file prior to running the program. It will compute the number of DAGs you should accumulated.
Collateral USD Based on the number of nodes you added to the configuration file prior to running the program. It will compute the USD value of all DAGs both reward and collateral.
Next Node How many DAGs you have to earn before you earn another Node based on collateral and rewards earned.
Node Status What is the status of your node, based on a dag metrics.
Web Status What is the status of your node's web interface, based on a dag metrics.
Data Usage How much space is available on your HD based on a systems command results.
Memory Will show memory allocation of OK or LOW based on the configuration file setup.
Swap Will show swap allocation of OK or LOW based on the configuration file setup.
Days Up Will show uptime in days for the server with OK or WARN based on the configuration file setup.
15M CPU Will show the current 15 minute average CPU load statistics with OK or WARN based on the configuration file setup.
Health Check Every N minutes based on the healthcheck: int_minutes the system will do a GET to the constellation LB and a GET against your specific endpoint, and return healthy or error based on the status return codes.
Ready Nodes How many nodes are currently on your state channel and in Ready, based on dag nodes.
Inv Login Attempts For the entire auth.log file, how many times has a user auth attempt begin denied.
Port Range What was the lowest port and highest port where invalid login attempts were logged. If this shows below 1024, this may be cause for concern.
Max Login Exceeded How many times has the system noticed and created an error log message, due to a possible brut force password authentication attempts. (auth.log)

During the execution of an alert, if an error in the output of Rewards is non-integer.

Error Detected
Possible Reset Required?
Rewards: 0 (-300000)

When the constellation log file goes over the error threshold.

Log Size: 157893
Errors:: 48
Percentage:: 0.0304%

2021-06-29 08:30:35

Send out manual end of day report.

python3 automation.py report

MMS message on the phone or email will be received

python3 automation.py report -p

The system will print the report results to the console. It will not send an email, mss, or alert.

Example of End of Day Report.

8 Hours 30 Minutes
START: 2021-06-26 07:00:00
END: 2021-06-26 15:30:00
Collateral Nodes: 2.200000
Collateral DAGs: 550,000
Collateral USD$: $31,920.90
Next Node: 200,000
AVE/15Min: 26
AVE/30Min: 53
AVE/1Hour: 105
$DAG DAY START: 0.057189
$DAG DAY END  : 0.058153
$DAG CHANGE   : 0.00096400
$DAG HIGH     : 0.065948
$DAG LOW      : 0.056524
Daily  : 2,520
Monthly: 75,600
Yearly : 919,800
USD @ $0.058153
DAILY   : $146.55
MONTHLY : $4,396.37
YEARLY  : $52,756.4
USD @ $0.1
DAILY   : $252.0
MONTHLY : $7,560.0
YEARLY  : $90,720.0
USD @ $0.5
DAILY   : $1,260.0
MONTHLY : $37,800.0
YEARLY  : $453,600.0
USD @ $1
DAILY   : $2,520
MONTHLY : $75,600
YEARLY  : $907,200
USD @ $3
DAILY   : $7,560
MONTHLY : $226,800
YEARLY  : $2,721,600
USD @ $5
DAILY   : $12,600
MONTHLY : $378,000
YEARLY  : $4,536,000
USD @ $10
DAILY   : $25,200
MONTHLY : $756,000
YEARLY  : $9,072,000
USD @ $50
DAILY   : $126,000
MONTHLY : $3,780,000
YEARLY  : $45,360,000
USD @ $100
DAILY   : $252,000
MONTHLY : $7,560,000
YEARLY  : $90,720,000

Based on config file that is set to $0.1, $0.5, $3, $5, $0 ,$50, $100

NOTE: If the program doesn't run for the day, the results will (obviously) be incorrect or screwed. It works off the dag_count.log file located in the root of the automation program folder. Log rolling is not enabled, so you will need to keep an eye on the file, until a new release adds the log rolling feature.

Do a health check

python3 automation.py health

Do a health check and print to the console (CLI)

python3 automation.py health -p

Results via the MMS, email, or CLI

lb.constellationnetwork.io: Healthy
Endpoint <your_iop_here>: Healthy
Codes: (200, 204)
lb.constellationnetwork.io: Healthy
Endpoint <your_ip_here>: Error
Codes: (200, 502)


This script serves to help install and upgrade your automation program. It wil also help make it easier to start, restart and stop the program from running quickly and easily.


command Parameters
adminauto.sh -h -i -c -s -r -k -v -a -l -e -p -cr
Node Operator Automation Helper Script
Version: 2.0

usage: adminauto [-h] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-r] [-k] [-v] [-a] [-l] [-e] [-p] [-cr]

This does not deal with single alerts, reports, or logs

This does not deal with the program running locally in the current user sessionwithout the "nohup" command.  See README.md

Positional arguments:
 -h        show this help message

 -v        show program's current version

 -i        first time installation or upgrade existing version
           (script will auto-detect).
 -cr       setup cron only.
 -c        guided help to update the configuration only.

 -a        send alert to mms/sms/email (unless -p is used)        
 -l        send health check to mms/sms/email (unless -p is used)        
 -e        send end of day report to mms/sms/email (unless -p is used)        

 -p        print to console and override alert, report, or health check from
           being sent to sms/mms/email.


 -s        start the automation program if not running
           this will start the program in the background
           WARNING: beware of starting multiple instances of the program
           this can cause you to get duplicate alerts at the same moment
           in time.
 -r        stop the program, then restart it
 -k        stop the program from running in the background
            this will find and kill the automation program process

example usage:
~# adminauto -s
This command will start the node operator automation program in the background with the "auto" variable.

~#: adminauto -r
This command will find the process that is running and "kill" it (stop it).
then it will restart it with the auto command in the background (-s).

~#: adminauto -a
This command will send out an alert.

~#: adminauto -a -p
This command will print out an alert to the console.

DAG, $DAG it! You node if you node.


Please refer to the INSTALL.md document (readme) to install this program.


This section will help you understand the questions that will be asked of you while you attempt to install the automation program via the adminauto script and via manual configuration of the config.yaml file.

This is the ONLY file that you should be manipulating. All other files in this program should be left alone.

Advanced users should be able to safely update this file as needed; however, it is recommended for those users that are not advanced, to use the adminauto script with the -c setting.

nodeuser@constellation-node:~# adminauto -c 

The adminauto program (adminauto -c, adminauto -i) will run through all the necessary features and create the file (seen below) for you.

Example Configuration file

    node_username: root
    gmail_acct: gmail_source_email@gmail.com
    gmail_token: gmail_app_password
      enabled: false
      - whoever1@whoever.com      
      - whoever2@whoever.com
      enabled: true
      add_subject: false
      - 111111111@provider.gateway.net
      - 222222222@provider.gateway.net
    node_name: My_Node
    error_max: 20
    memory_swap_min: 200000
    security_check: true
    uptime_threshold: 30
    load_threshold: .7
    enabled: true
    lb: <constellation_lb_fqdn>
    lb_port: 9000
    node_ip: your_nodes_ext_ip_here
    node_port: 9001
    int_minutes: 5
    enabled: true
    start_time: '07:00'
    end_time: '20:00'
    int_minutes: 15
    enabled: true
    split1: .7
    split2: .3
    enabled: true
    node_count: 2
    enabled: true
      - .10
      - .50
      - 1
      - 3
      - 5
      - 10
      - 50

The following pieces of the config.yaml must be changed to match your specific configuration.

  • node_username
  • gmail_acct
  • gmail_token
  • mms_recipients
    • When configuring with the adminauto script, if you purposely enter in blank entries (when the default values are also blank), a null_entry will be auto-populated and the feature will disable automatically.
  • email_recipients
    • When configuring with the adminauto script, if you purposely enter in blank entries (when the default values are also blank), a null_entry will be auto-populated and the feature will disable automatically.
    • If you are planning on using the same email address to accept the incoming push requests from your node and also as your recipient email, you must put it in the recipients list here as well; otherwise the program will exit with a failure.
    • aka: bob@bob.com sends alerts to bob@bob.com.
  • node_name
  • lb
    • If you don't know the LB fully qualified domain name (FQDN), you may need to ask in the community for this FQDN. It isn't listed here for privacy reasons.
  • node_ip

The following elements you might want to change from false to true

  • under the healthcheck: section enabled: true
  • under the collateral: section enabled: true
  • under the report: section enabled: true
  • same for splits but this is only if you need/want the functionality (see below)
If you do not have email addresses to send notifications to...
  • Make sure to set the enabled to false
  • Leave the list parameters with the default whoever addresses (as placeholders)
If you do not have sms/mms addresses to send notifications to...
  • Make sure to set the enabled to false
  • Leave the list parameters with the default 1111111111 addresses (as placeholders)

Configuration file parameter details

Section Parameter Sub Param Description Value type/Format Default Required
notifications Email parameters needed for program to function properly.
gmail_acct Gmail account you created or used in the Setup Gmail section. - - yes
gmail_token Password you saved in the App Password section. - - yes
email_recipients Parameters necessary for emails to be sent out as notifications - - yes
enabled Enable ability to send notifications as email. You will want to change this to false (default) if you do not want to send notifications to any email addresses boolean false yes
list Making sure you leave the - and indentation unchanged, add in your email addresses where you want to send the reports. If you only have 1 email, you can remove the extra list item(s). If you have more than 2, you can add in as many list entries (starting with a dash) as you like. NOTE: It is unknown how many requests will be accepted/allowed by Gmail or your mobile provider, so you may need to be cognizant of this when setting up complex lists of email recipients. - - yes
mms_recipients Parameters necessary for sms/mms notifications to be sent outbound. - - yes
enabled Enable ability to send notifications as sms/mms messages. You will want to change this to false if you do not want to send notifications to any sms/mms addresses boolean true yes
add_subject Enable subject header when sending sms/mms notification alerts. Some email providers (tmobile for example) seem to block or black-hole messages when a subject line is attached? If you are not receiving sms/mms messages, you may want to remove the subject to see if this helps. boolean true yes
list Making sure you leave the - and indentation unchanged, add in your mms/sms email addresses where you want to send the reports. If you only have 1 sms/mms email, you can remove the extra list item(s). If you have more than 2, you can add in as many list entries (starting with a dash) as you like. NOTE: It is unknown how many requests will be accepted/allowed by Gmail or your mobile provider, so you may need to be cognizant of this when setting up complex lists of email recipients. - - yes
constraints This section should only be modified by more advanced users. It allows you to manipulate several program thresholds.
error_max How many errors should accumulate in the constellation log file before notifying in an alert. Note: The constellation log file is configured to roll, so the low error count is justified and only pertains to the current log. decimal 20 no
memory_swap_min Low end threshold before alerting that memory or swap is low. The same decimal is used to check both. Memory and Swap are independently checked. decimal 100000 no
security_check Do you want the system to count unauthorized access requests and ports. boolean false no
uptime_threshold Number of days of uptime the server/node/instance has been running. Recommendation is to reboot after monthly patches int 30 no
load_threshold Percentage of CPU load you want to warn against when threshold is exceeded. float represented as a percentage float .7 no
healthcheck Features that help setup the health check against the Load Balancer (LB) and End Node (Your Node)
enabled Enable this feature. boolean true yes
lb The fully qualified domain name of the constellation LB. string yes
lb_port Which TCP port is your health check using to do a GET for a response code? int 9000 yes
node_ip The external IP address of your node string X.X.X.X yes
node_port Which TCP port is your health check using to do a GET for a response code from the LB for your IP? int 9001 yes
int_minutes How often do you want to do a health check against the LB? no less than 5 or greater than 60. Must be increments of 5. int 30 no
alarm_once If your End Point or the LB has an issue, only alarm once. You will get alerted again, when the LB or EndPoint node is reachable again. If false as long as the LB or End Point is down, you will receive an alert every X minutes, based on the int_minutes setting. Because this is a critical function, it does not adhere to the start_time and end_time that might be setup for the normal alert feature. boolean true yes
intervals Setup when you want the alerts to start/stop being pushed to your mms_recipients and/or email_recipients.
enabled If you only want health check alerts to be sent out, you can disable the intervals section. If you don't enable at least health checks, this program will not do anything but take up resources. boolean true yes
start_time 24 hour clock notation - currently adheres to the systems local time zone. When do you want the alerting to start each day? If you want the program to run 24/7, make your start time and end time '00:00' IMPORTANT: The time needs to be surrounded by quotes. Note: Stat calculations are rounded to the lowest hour. 'HH:MM' '07:00' no
end_time 24 hour clock notation - local time zone. When do you want the alerting to stop each day? IMPORTANT: The time needs to be surrounded by quotes. Note: Stat calculations are rounded to the lowest hour. 'HH:MM' '20:00' no
int_minutes How often do you want text messages to be pushed out to your recipients? Must be in 5 minute increments (10,15,1440). Can not be over 1440. If you need something more specific, utilize the CRON (see Alternative Cron). Please be aware that a shorter interval could cause your provider to block your source account. Recommendation: no less than every 15 minutes, system restriction to 10 minutes. MM 30 no
splits This section is an optional configuration. When enabled, this feature will break out rewards/income into percentages between split1 and split2. When added together this should equal 1 (100%), otherwise calculations will not be accurate. Example: You want to calculate how much of your income will be used for reinvestment (split1) verses taking profits (split2).
enabled Enable this feature. boolean false yes
split1 Float number less than 1. Split1 and Split2 must equal 1 in order for accurate calculations. float - if enabled
split2 Float number less than 1. Split1 and Split2 must equal 1 in order for accurate calculations. float - if enabled
collateral This section is an optional configuration. When enabled, this feature will calculate your current collateral as it relates to the 250K USD requirement for obtaining a new node.
enabled Enable this feature. boolean true yes
node_count INCLUDING THIS NODE. How many nodes do you own that you want to include in the collateral calculations? Note: Until the program couples with other node reward/income statistics, this will not include the reward/income from the other nodes, only the node's collateral itself. AKA: enabled with node_count: 2 means you have 2 nodes all together including this node, that you want to count in your collateral calculations. int 1 if enabled
reports This section is an optional configuration. When enabled, this feature will calculate your estimated earnings for the node, based on the prices allocated in the estimates list provided.
enabled Enable this feature. boolean false yes
estimates $USD that you want to have the $DAG count translated into for the end of day report. Note: Make sure to leave the - in front of each list item. You can have as many as you deem necessary, or you can remove list items that aren't wanted/needed. The program will automatically remove estimates that are lower than the @report time USD/DAG price. float .50, 1, 5, 10, 100 no

Warning: When entering in the start_time and end_time parameters, if start_time is after the end_time the system will revert to defaults (see above), instead of erroring out.

The program will check if the config.yaml has been updated by the user every int_minutes. Therefore, any changes will not take affect until the next int_minutes interval is reached.

Understanding the Log File

During program execution of an alert (auto)

nodeuser@constellation-node:~/automation## python3 automation alert

The system will log the results of the alert call into a file called dag_count.log. This file is located in the /logs/ directory off the program's root.

Clip of log file

2021-07-01 09:45:00|300000|22314.9|0.074383
2021-07-01 10:00:02|300121|22412.736159|0.074679

This file is imperative to the proper functionality of the automation program. The end of the day report will review the daily activity that has been written to this file. The program uses the start and stop times; configured in the config.yaml file, to calculate averages and predictive/assumptions.

The log file does not roll (future update to the code).

The log file is only updated on an alert.

Column Description
1 The date/time the last alert was run.
2 The number of rewards scrapped from a dag metric.
3 The timestamped reward value in USD
4 The timestamped current $DAG price in USD

Creating Log Reports

From the command line of the node, you can request $DAG log reports, by issuing the log action followed by date or date range.

The report offers a few options

Print a report for a single day based on a start time only, send to MMS alerting group.

python3 automation.py log -ss 2021-07-11

Print a report for a date range based on a start time and end time, send to MMS alerting group.

python3 automation.py log -ss 2021-07-01 --se 2021-07-11

Print a report and CSV attachment for a date range based on a start time, send to specific email.

python3 automation.py log -c someone@somewhere.com -ss 2021-07-01 

Print a report and CSV attachment for a date range based on a start time and end time, send to specific email.

python3 automation.py log -c someone@somewhere.com -ss 2021-07-01 --se 2021-07-11

Print a report for a single day based on a start time only, send to CLI (console).

python3 automation.py log -ss 2021-07-11 -p

Print a report for a date range based on a start time and end time, send to CLI (console).

python3 automation.py log -ss 2021-07-01 --se 2021-07-11 -p

File Structure

The following is a list of the package installation files

├── dag_count.log
├── __init__.py
├── adminauto
├── automation.py
├── classes
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── check_dag_status.py
│   │   ├── config_obj.py
│   │   ├── core.py
│   │   ├── error_log_check.py
│   │   ├── up_monitor.py
│   │   ├── reports.py
│   │   └── send_sms_email.py
├── configs
│   │   ├── config.example.yaml
├── docs
│   │   ├── INSTALL.md
│   │   ├── MANUAL_INSTALL.md
│   │   ├── TS_USAGE.md
├── functions
│   │   ├── search_timezones.py
├── logs
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── dag_count.log
├── templates
│   │   ├── template.yaml

DAG $DAG it, If you node you node!

back to beginning of document

