Multicopter autopilot system for robust navigation and task execution in closed space human centric environments.
- This manual assumes you have successfully installed the ROS Melodic on Ubuntu (the code was tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
- Useful ROS HOWTO's:
- Download the 'cognifli' code:
cd ~/
git clone
- Some additional packages are to be installed to successfully compile the code. I'll maybe write about this one day, but at the moment you have to look at the compiler errors and set everything up yourself ;)
- To use bash scripts launch .../cognifli/contrib/ It will generate scripts for you and place them to .../cognifli/contrib/launchers_gen. It will also add these to your system PATH. Please take into account that your ~/.bashrc will be modified! If you want to move the .../cognifli folder do it, and after that relaunch .../cognifli/contrib/ The paths will (hopefully) be reconfigured automatically. --deps will also try to install some (if not all!) project dependencies. Run -h to get the full list of options.
- when launched also creates nice desktop shortcuts for your convenience. They are named cognifli...smth... and are easily found via Unity search. (Press Dash Home button and type 'cognifli') The config files are placed into ~/.local/share/applications folder.
- Manually. Go to project directory and enter:
- catkin_make (To just build the project)
- catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j8 (To build project files for eclipse)
- Via bash scripts (need to configure project with contrib/ Go to .../cognifli/contrib/launchers or add the launchers to your system PATH and enter:
- cognifli-rebuild (To just build the project)
- cognifli-rebuild-eclipse (To build project files for eclipse)
- Manually. Type in the terminal:
- roslaunch cognifli_gazebo cognifli_world.launch (To open Rviz and Gazebo for simulation)
- Coming soon ...
- Via bash scripts (need to configure project with contrib/ Go to .../cognifli/contrib/launchers or add the launchers to your system PATH and enter:
- cognifli-simulator (To open Rviz and Gazebo for simulation)
- Coming soon ...
- Go to .../cognifli/src/cognifli_simulator/cognifli_gazebo/launch/cognifli_world.launch
- Set the coordinates by adjusting
<arg name="x/y/z" value="???"/>
- Go to .../cognifli/src/cognifli_simulator/cognifli_gazebo/worlds/<...>.world
- Find the
<camera name='some_camera_name'>
- Change the tag (There will be the
<pose>X Y Z R P Y</pose>
string, put in the correct numbers)
- DO it carefully!
- If you still decided to add a custom map create a model in Google Sketch Up (free to download)
- The model should have .dae extension and the altitude of the floor at the robot spawn point should be zero
- It is important that it is zero!
- Rename the .dae file to "test_chamber0.dae". Do NOT rename the generated folder with images! (sometimes there will be no folder generated, do not worry about that) But if you desperately want to rename, edit the .dae file and update the path to the folder.
- Put the files in .../cognifli/src/cognifli_simulator/cognifli_gazebo/worlds/Media/models folder
- If the model jumps on its spawn point than you probably did not set the world floor altitude to zero. You can probably edit the .../cognifli/src/cognifli_simulator/cognifli_gazebo/worlds/ to fix that.
- Be careful here too)
- Go to .../cognifli/src/cognifli_simulator/cognifli_description/cognifli_drone/urdf
- Edit the cognifli_drone.urdf.xacro file to add/modify sensors and tweak other parameters
For more information on the project read our beloved wiki!
- If gazebo fails to download models at the startup you'll have to do it manually:
cd <somewhere>
hg clone