
Welcome to the Proteus Motion Android Challenge Project. We hope you find this project fun and enjoyable.

User Story

As an athlete or athletic trainer, I would like the ability to compare my performance to other, similar athletes.

Your Task

Given the below requirements, implement a User Interface that allows a user to select the specific cohort they want to compare themselves against.


Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 10 39 57 AM


  1. Create a scrollable container with 2 buttons fixed at the bottom: Cancel and Apply Filters.
  2. Implement a slider component that allows a user to select a weight range. The minimum selectable weight should read "Under 70" and the maximum weight should read "Over 295." The slider can be moved in increments of 15.
  3. Implement a slider component that allows a user to select a height range with a minimum of 5'2" and a maximum of 6'10" in increments of 4".
  4. Implement a set of radio buttons that allows a user to select which sport they participate in. A user can only select one sport.
  5. Implement a set of radio buttons that allows a user to select which position they participate in. A user can only select a position if they have selected a sport.
  6. When a user clicks "Apply filters" log to the console a JSON blob that describes the current state of the filters.

Technical Details

  • You are free to use any open source libraries you choose
  • We encourage use of Create React App to help bootstrap the project, but it is not required
  • Please include a Git history
  • The project should be runnable via npm run start
  • When finished, please submit a .zip file containing the repository and Git history

Grading Criteria

  • Correctness: Does your solution meet the requirements? Does it work?
  • Code Quality & Architecture: Does your solution utilize best practices? Is it readable and well organized? Consider adding a few tests.
  • Usability: While we have included a mockup, we do not expect a pixel perfect implementation of the design. However, we will be grading your project on basic UI/UX principles.