
Static website generator powered by Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Radric - Static website generator

Radric is a static website generator written in Python. Just write your pages and your posts in ReST or Markdown format, and Radric generates the HTML pages :

$ radric new-project mywebsite
[*] New project created : /your/path/mywebsite
$ cd mywebsite
$ radric new-post "My first post"
[*] New post created : /your/path/mywebsite/posts/my-first-post.rst
$ vim posts/my-first-post.rst
$ radric generate
[*] Processed 1 post and 1 page
[*] 0 draft remaining
0.20 seconds

The HTML pages will be accessible in the public folder. You can view your website by launching the development server :

$ radric serve
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
Use Control-C to exit



  • Posts and pages support
  • ReST and Markdown formats
  • Custom menu based on pages
  • Categories, Tags and Authors management
  • Drafts system
  • Custom URLs structure
  • A development server
  • Themes support
  • Markdown edition
  • Python 2 & Python 3


Radric is in Beta version, a refactoring could appear in the future. If you want to use a static generator in production, use the awesome Pelican project.

The following features will be added in the next releases:

  • RSS & Atom feeds
  • An archives page
  • The pagination
  • The code syntax highlighting
  • A search form in JS
  • A plugin system
  • An import system (Wordpress, Joomla...)
  • Many themes
  • ... and more !