XINU + GDB Pratice

  • Step 1: Building XINU

    To compile the XINU kernel, run make in the compile directory as follows:

    cd compile
    make depend

    This creates an OS image called xinu.elf.

  • Step 2: Running and debugging XINU

    The XINU image runs on the QEMU emulator machines. To boot up the image, type:

    make run

    XINU should start running and print messages.

    Typing Ctrl-a then c (not Ctrl-c) will always bring you to "(qemu)" prompt. From there, you can quit by typing q.

    To debug XINU, run the image in the debug mode by:

    make debug

    Then execute GDB in another ssh session:

    gdb xinu.elf

    In the (gdb) console, connect to the remote server by:

    target remote localhost:1234

    You can use many debugging features provided by GDB, e.g., adding a break point at the main function:

    b main

    To run to the next breakpoint, type:


    The detailed document for GDB can be found here.