operator (v3)

Deploy cnvrg stack on EKS | AKS | GKE | OpenShift | On-Premise clusters

Architecture overview

cnvrg operator may deploy cnvrg stack in two different ways

  1. Multiple cnvrg control planes within the same cluster separated by namespaces - suitable for multi tenancy deployments
                            ---------cnvrg infra namespace----------
                            | Cluster scope prometheus             |
                            | Prometheus node exporter             |
                            | Kube state metrics                   |
                            | Cluster scope service monitors       |     
                            | Fluentbit                            |
                            | Istio control plane                  |
                            | Storage provisioners (hostpath/nfs)  |
---------cnvrg control plane 1 namespace-------  ---------cnvrg control plane 2 namespace-------
| cnvrg control plane (webapp, sidekiqs, etc.)|  | cnvrg control plane (webapp, sidekiqs, etc.)|
| PostgreSQL                                  |  | PostgreSQL                                  |
| ElasticSearch + Kibana                      |  | ElasticSearch + Kibana                      |
| Minio                                       |  | Minio                                       |
| Redis                                       |  | Redis                                       |
| Namespace scope Prometheus + Grafana        |  | Namespace scope Prometheus + Grafana        |
| Namespace scope service monitors            |  | Namespace scope service monitors            |
| Istio Gateway + VirtualServices             |  | Istio Gateway + VirtualServices             |
-----------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
  1. Single cnvrg control plane in dedicated namespace
                        ----------------cnvrg namespace--------------------
                        | Cluster scope prometheus                        |
                        | Prometheus node exporter                        |
                        | Kube state metrics                              |
                        | Cluster scope service monitors                  |     
                        | Namespace scope service monitors                |     
                        | Fluentbit                                       |
                        | Istio control plane                             |
                        | Storage provisioners (hostpath/nfs)             |   
                        | cnvrg control plane (webapp, sidekiqs, etc.)    |
                        | PostgreSQL                                      |
                        | ElasticSearch + Kibana                          | 
                        | Minio                                           |
                        | Redis                                           |  
                        | IstioGateway + VirtualServices                  |


Helm chart command line options

  1. Globals
  2. Cnvrg Control Plane options
  3. DataBases options
  4. Logging options
  5. Monitoring options
  6. Networking options
  7. SSO options
  8. LDAP (Active Directory)
  9. Storage options
  10. Tenancy options
  11. Registry options
  12. Labels and Annotations
  13. Automatic Config Reload


Flag Default value Description
clusterDomain - DNS A wildcard record resolving to K8s Ingress IP/LoadBalancer, example: * ->
spec allinone can be set to one of allinone - for single namespace deployment. infra and ccp for multi namespaces cnvrg deployments
imageHub the images registry

Control Plane options

Flag Default value Description
controlPlane.image cnvrg/core:3.6.99 cnvrg control plane image
controlPlane.baseConfig.agentCustomTag latest cnvrg agent image tag
controlPlane.baseConfig.featureFlags {} map of strings, usage example: --set controlPlane.baseConfig.featureFlags.FOO="BAR"
controlPlane.baseConfig.intercom true set to false to disable intercom
controlPlane.hyper.enabled true set to false to disable hyper
controlPlane.objectStorage.type minio supported values: minio,aws,azure,gcp
controlPlane.objectStorage.bucket cnvrg-storage S3 bucket name
controlPlane.objectStorage.region eastus bucket region
controlPlane.objectStorage.accessKey - bucket access key (if blank - auto generated)
controlPlane.objectStorage.secretKey - bucket secret key (if blank - auto generated)
controlPlane.objectStorage.endpoint - bucket endpoint (if blank - auto generated )
controlPlane.objectStorage.azureAccountName - azure storage account name
controlPlane.objectStorage.azureContainer - azure storage container name
controlPlane.objectStorage.gcpProject - gcp project
controlPlane.objectStorage.gcpSecretRef gcp-storage-secret gcp storage secret
controlPlane.searchkiq.enabled true set to false to disable searchkiq
controlPlane.sidekiq.enabled true set to false to disable sidekiq
controlPlane.sidekiq.split true set to false to disable sidekiq split
controlPlane.systemkiq.enabled true set to false to disable systemkiq split
controlPlane.webapp.hap.enabled true set to false to disable hpa
controlPlane.webapp.hap.maxReplicas 5 set max replicas for HPA
controlPlane.sidekiq.hap.enabled true set to false to disable hpa
controlPlane.sidekiq.hap.maxReplicas 5 set max replicas for HPA
controlPlane.searchkiq.hap.enabled true set to false to disable hpa
controlPlane.searchkiq.hap.maxReplicas 5 set max replicas for HPA
controlPlane.systemkiq.hap.enabled true set to false to disable hpa
controlPlane.systemkiq.hap.maxReplicas 5 set max replicas for HPA
controlPlane.smtp.server - smtp server
controlPlane.smtp.port 587 smtp port
controlPlane.smtp.username - smtp username
controlPlane.smtp.password - smtp password
controlPlane.smtp.domain - smtp domain
controlPlane.smtp.opensslVerifyMode - openssl verify mode for cnvrg smtp client
controlPlane.smtp.sender the email address of the sender
controlPlane.webapp.enabled true set to false to disable webapp
controlPlane.webapp.replicas 1 webapp replicas number
controlPlane.mpi.enabled true set to false to disable mpi
controlPlane.mpi.image mpioperator/mpi-operator:v0.2.3 mpi operator image
controlPlane.mpi.kubectlDeliveryImage mpioperator/kubectl-delivery:v0.2.3 mpi kubectl delivery image
controlPlane.mpi.registry.url mpi registry url
controlPlane.mpi.registry.user - mpi registry user
controlPlane.mpi.registry.password - mpi registry password
controlPlane.mpi.extraArgs {} map of strings, usage example: --set controlPlane.mpi.extraArgs.FOO="BAR"

DataBases options

Flag Default value Description true set to false to disable elasticsearch 80Gi storage size for elasticsearch - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used
dbs.minio.enabled true set to false to disable minio
dbs.minio.storageSize 100Gi storage size for minio
dbs.minio.storageClass - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used true set to false to disable postgresql 80Gi storage size for postgresql - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used false set to true to enable HubePages support for postgresql 2Mi size of hubePages (1Mi, 2Mi, 1Gi) - memory amount to use from the hubepages, default 4Gi
dbs.redis.enabled true set to false to disable redis
dbs.redis.storageSize 10Gi storage size for redis
dbs.redis.storageClass - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used

Logging options

Flag Default value Description
logging.fluentbit.enabled true set to false to disable fluentbit
logging.elastalert.enabled true set to false to disable elastalert
logging.elastalert.storageSize 30Gi storage size for elastalert
logging.elastalert.storageClass - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used
logging.kibana.enabled true set to false to disable kibana

Monitoring options

Flag Default value Description
monitoring.dcgmExporter.enabled true set to false to disable dcgmExporter
monitoring.nodeExporter.enabled true set to false to disable nodeExporter
monitoring.kubeStateMetrics.enabled true set to false to disable kubeStateMetrics
monitoring.grafana.enabled true set to false to disable grafana
monitoring.prometheusOperator.enabled true set to false to disable prometheusOperator
monitoring.prometheus.enabled true set to false to disable prometheus
monitoring.prometheus.storageSize 50Gi storage for Prometheus instance
monitoring.prometheus.storageClass - storage class, if blank default storage class will be used
monitoring.defaultServiceMonitors.enabled true set to false to disable defaultServiceMonitors
monitoring.cnvrgIdleMetricsExporter.enabled true set to false to disable cnvrgIdleMetricsExporter

Networking options

Flag Default value Description
networking.https.enabled false set to false to disable https
networking.https.certSecret - K8s tls secret
networking.ingress.type istio ingress type: (istio|ingress|openshift|nodeport)
networking.ingress.istioGwEnabled true either deploy or not Istio GW
networking.ingress.istioGwName istio-gw-[namespace] name of the istio GW (either to use or create and use if istioGwEnabled is true)
networking.istio.enabled true set to false to disable istio deployment
networking.istio.externalIp [] list of IPs to use for istio ingress service: example: --set networking.istio.externalIp={,}
networking.istio.ingressSvcExtraPorts [] list extra ports for istio ingress service: example: --set networking.istio.externalIp={1111,2222}
networking.istio.lbSourceRanges [] list extra LB sources ranges, example: --set networking.istio.externalIp={,}
networking.istio.ingressSvcAnnotations {} map of strings for Istio SVC annotations, example : --set networking.istio.ingressSvcAnnotations=networking.istio.ingressSvcAnnotations.service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol=tcp
networking.proxy.enabled false set to true when yours K8s is behind HTTP/S proxy
networking.proxy.httpProxy [] list of http proxies to use, example --set networking.proxy.httpProxy={}
networking.proxy.httpsProxy [] list of http proxies to use, example --set networking.proxy.httpsProxy={}
networking.proxy.noProxy .svc,.svc.cluster.local,[k8s-api-ip-calculated-automatically],,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,localhost list of extra no_proxy values to use (will be always appended to default list), example --set networking.proxy.noProxy={}

SSO options

Flag Default value Description
sso.enabled false set to true to enable sso
sso.adminUser - cnvrg cluster admin user
sso.provider - one of the following
sso.emailDomain [] list of emails allowed to login
sso.clientId - oauth2 client ID
sso.clientSecret - oauth2 client secret
sso.azureTenant - if sso.provider=azure set azureTenant
sso.oidcIssuerUrl - if sso.provider=oidc set oidcIssuerUrl

Ldap - Active directory

Flag Default value Description
ldap.enabled false set to true to enable sso - Ldap host
ldap.port - Ldap port
ldap.account - userPrincipalName
ldap.base - for example: dc=my-domain,dc=local
ldap.adminUser - admin user
ldap.adminPassword - admin password
ldap.ssl "false" ("true" or "false")

Storage options

Flag Default value Description
storage.hostpath.enabled False set to true to enable hostpath provisioner
storage.hostpath.defaultSc False set to true to make hostpath default storage class (name: cnvrg-hostpath-storage)
storage.hostpath.path /cnvrg-hostpath-storage host directory for storage
storage.hostpath.image hostpath provisioner image
storage.hostpath.reclaimPolicy Retain storage class reclaim policy
storage.nfs.enabled False set to true to enable hostpath nfs client provisioner
storage.nfs.server - Ip address of the NFS server
storage.nfs.path - NFS export path
storage.nfs.defaultSc False set to true to make NFS default storage class (name: cnvrg-nfs-storage)
storage.nfs.image Nfs provisioner image
storage.nfs.reclaimPolicy Retain storage class reclaim policy

Tenancy options

Flag Default value Description
tenancy.enabled False when true, ccp workloads will be scheduled only on nodes that match node selector: purpose=cnvrg-control-plane
tenancy.key purpose node selector key
tenancy.value cnvrg-control-plane node selector value

Registry options

Flag Default value Description
registry.url registry for pulling images
registry.user - registry user
registry.password - registry password

Labels and Annotations

Flag Default value Description
lables owner: cnvrg-control-plane key:value map of labels to be passed to every K8s resource deployed by Operator. usage example: --set"bar"
annotations - key:value map of annotations to be passed to every K8s resource deployed by Operator. usage example: --set"bar"

Automatic Config Reloader

Flag Default value Description
configReloader.enabled true set to false to disable config reloader, note, once disabled, cnvrg admin has to manually restart relevant pods on configuration changes