Implementation of MJPEG video encoder in OpenMP and OpenCL.
- GCC 10.0, Clang 11 or above
- OpenMP 4.5 or above (should included in above compiler)
- OpenCL 1.2 or above
- Linux or MinGW
./ [clean]
Use clean if you want to a clean build.
If cmake cannot found your OpenCL, you can modify build script, and set following variables
-DOpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/cuda/include/ \
Usage: mjpeg_encoder options
-i --input <path> RAW Video Path.
-s --size <width>x<height> Video resolution.
-r --fps <fps> Video FPS.
-o --output <path> Output path.
-q --quality <number, [0-100]> JPEG quality.
-t --threads <number> Use number threads.
-k --kind <serial|openmp|opencl> Select implementation, default is serial.
-T --temp-dir <path> Temp dir, default is system temp dir.
-d --device <cpu|gpu> default is cpu.
-m --measure Show time measure message.
-h --help Show usage.
Before run OpenCL version, ensure the folder opencl-kernel
in your working directory.
Filename | Resolution | FPS | Download Link |
Clip-720x480-f30.raw | 720x480 | 30 | Google Drive |
winsat-1280x720-f24.raw | 1280x720 | 24 | Google Drive |
with 3 threads, quality = 95 via OpenMP, save to abc.avi../mjpeg_encoder -i Clip-720x480-f30.raw -s 720x480 -r 30 -t 3 -q 95 -k openmp -o abc.avi
... Time: 00:00:05.00 / 00:00:05.00 Video encoded, output file located at abc.avi RUN TIME: 1118
via GPU, save to xyz.avi./mjpeg_encoder -i winsat-1280x720-f24.raw -s 1280x720 -r 24 -k opencl -d gpu -o xyz.avi
Found 1 platforms Using device [Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630] on platform [Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics]. Dev Init Time: 1649 PaddingAndTransformColorSpace Time 18 dctAndQuantization Time 10 clEncode Time 3524 GPU TIME: 3562 DATA READ BACK TIME: 7 CPU TIME: 6 Time: 00:00:00.54 / 00:00:06.00 ... 00:00:06.00 / 00:00:06.00 Video encoded, output file located atxyz.avi RUN TIME: 39143
Install FFmpeg
Convert your video via:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 854x480 -r 20 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgra output.raw
854x480 is your video's resolution, 20 is fps, input.mp4 is input video file and output.raw is output file.