
A simple Login/Register application developed in Nodejs using Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple Login/Register application developed in Nodejs using Express.

Getting started

Unzip the downloaded file.

Installing dependencies:

Enter this command it will install all the dependencies at once:

npm install

Or you can install them individually:

npm install express express-session mysql pug-cli bcrypt util.promisify

Sometimes you get errors and access denied add sudo to the command

sudo npm install express express-session mysql pug-cli bcrypt util.promisify

Start the application

npm start


node app


For this application the database name is 'www', it contains only one table 'users'

Go to core/pool.js enter your database username and password, you can use you own database name just make sure it's the same in the pool.js file so you can connect to database.

Setting up the database

You can use PhpMyAdmin just import the database.sql file includes in the project directory

Use those queries:

USE www;
CREATE TABLE users (id int AUTO_INCREMENT, username varchar(20), fullname varchar(20), password varchar(128), PRIMARY KEY (id));

if you correcty setting up the database you shouldn't get any errors.