
new repository for klotsk_ae

Primary LanguageAssembly

I found the docker filesystem may have an effect on the results. So I have to move the program out and use the directory mapping instead. So the instruction is a little different from the submitted AE pages. Sorry for the inconvenience.

How to run the benchmarks in Klotksi

A. Setup the environment

1. Install the Intel SGX driver

git clone https://github.com/nczhang88pan/klotski_driver.git
cd ./Klotski_ae

or split it into 3 steps.

Step1: Clone the source code of the Intel SGX driver from the GitHub

git clone https://github.com/01org/linux-sgx-driver

We utilized a small trick here to run the original programs in SGX without any modification: force the SGX driver to map the program to the static address determined at the link time. Note that, we don't have to patch this for Klotski programs, but it has no effect.

Step 2: Patch the driver

git apply ../pathc.diff

Step 3: Then we make the driver and insmod it:

make && sudo insmod isgx.ko

2. Create a container

  1. create a container named klotski_ae_evl, replace the {Klotski_ae_dir} with the absolute path of this project.
    sudo docker run --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -it --privileged -d -v /dev/isgx:/dev/isgx -v {Klotski_ae_dir}:/home/root/klotski/ --ipc=host --name=klotski_ae_evl panzhanghust/klotski_ae
  2. enter the container
    docker exec -it klotski_ae_evl /bin/zsh
  3. check the SGX driver state in this container
    ls /dev/isgx >/dev/null 2>1  && echo "SGX Driver installed" || echo "SGX Driver NOT installed"

(optional) We suggest you disable the CPU turbo feature to get more accurate results, execute the command in host: su echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo

3. Start the PSW in the container


B. Run benchmarks

1. Run the basline benchmarks

cd /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/native_benchmarks/loader

The cmd.py script will run the nbench, djpeg and cjpeg automatically and store the results to the /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/resultDir

If you want to test the mbedtls, folow the instructions cout at the end of the logs. Copy the commands and execute them.

2. Run the programs with different vCache size

2.1. cjpeg
cd /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/klotski_benchmarks/cjpeg/
2.2. djpeg
cd /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/klotski_benchmarks/djpeg/
2.3. mbedTLS

MbedTLS can only be tested manually, plz follow the instructions in you terminal.

cd /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/klotski_benchmarks/mbedtls/

The results of the djpeg and cjpeg would be stored in the /home/root/klotski/ae_programs/resultDir


I am sorry again for my bad version control behaviour (bad commit comments and almost 20 branches without merged). I don't remember what I have modified. I found crashes that never happened before. However, you can re-run the program after a crash, and can get the full results finally. Please check the size of each result files in resultDir, if one does not equal to the others, run it again solely by modifing cmd.py scripts (at the end of it and we have comments there).

C. analyze results for djpeg and cjpeg:

Please re-execute the programs until all the restuls (2,4,8,16,32) are collected. Otherwise errors would happen here.

python3 ./auto_cal.py