This is a Beamer template set up to look pretty decent and have a University of Notre Dame theme. For math typesetting, it is definitely better than using existing Powerpoint templates. The easiest way to install this theme is to just dump the *.sty files into the same directory as your tex source. ## Logos The template expects a directory called "ND_Logos" with the following structure: ND_Logos ├── academic_mark │ └── PDF ├── mendoza └── monogram └── PDF The relevant files can be downloaded from the Notre Dame website (authentication required): A minimal Beamer presentation using this template looks something like the following: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{NotreDame} \begin{document} %% Slides \end{document} The theme currently has 7 options: % nav - Enables a bottom right navigation bar % white - Sets slides for white color scheme % nologo - Removes logo from all slides title bar % compactlogo - Enables a compact banner for the title slide (N/A currently) % sections - Enables top of slide section progress tracking and navigation % noslidenumbers - Removes counting of slides in bottom right % fullFooter - Enables a more descriptive footer (can't use noslidenumbers simultaneously) Options are specified as: \usetheme[nav,white]{NotreDame} Other suggested packages: * tikz (pgf, for diagrams) * listings (for source code listings) * fontspec (if using xetex) See included "main.tex" for suggested usage scenarios Author: Daniel Howard ( Modified Release: February 2017 Adapted from author below: Author: Tristan Ravitch ( Initial Release: June 2009 Public Domain Extra ----- Here is a very handy snippet of TeX to stick at the beginning of your presentation (after \begin{document}): \newcommand*{\alphabet}{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \newlength{\highlightheight} \newlength{\highlightdepth} \newlength{\highlightmargin} \setlength{\highlightmargin}{2pt} \settoheight{\highlightheight}{\alphabet} \settodepth{\highlightdepth}{\alphabet} \addtolength{\highlightheight}{\highlightmargin} \addtolength{\highlightdepth}{\highlightmargin} \addtolength{\highlightheight}{\highlightdepth} \newcommand*{\Highlight}{\rlap{\textcolor{HighlightBackground}{\rule[-\highlightdepth]{\linewidth}{\highlightheight}}}} HighlightBackground is defined by the NotreDame theme. This snippet allows you to include source code listings in the following way: \lstinputlisting[language=C,moredelim={**[il][\Highlight]{@}}]{file.c} Note the moredelim option; with this option and the preceeding declarations, prefixing a line in file.c will highlight the line.
A Template for LaTeX Beamer Presentations at the University of Notre Dame. Also features a mini-LaTeX beamer guide in the included document.tex file. All settings are managed in main.tex. Simply add your own slides in document.tex to make your own presentation.