
Experiments on optimizing parquet_reading functionality of libcudf

Primary LanguageMakefile

libcudf Parquet Reading Optimization

This repository contains efforts to optimize the Parquet file reading capabilities of libcudf. We explore various optimizations including memory management, multi-streaming, and multi-threading techniques to enhance performance.

Getting Started


  • CMake
  • CUDA environment
  • libcudf and libarrow libraries

You could refer this link to install libcudf: https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf

And refer this link to install libarrow:https://arrow.apache.org/install/

I have also summarized my installation steps, along with the issues I encountered and their solutions, in the Libcudf_compile.md file. I hope this document will help make your compilation successful.

Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/gm3g11/libcudf_parquet_reading.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd /xxx_dir/libcudf_parquet_reading

  3. Modify the CMakeLists.txt

    Configure your project with different project name and cuda file. E.g., in this CMakeLists.txt, we are using "basic_example" (line 6) as a project name and compile "chunked_parquet_read_self_implmentation_multi_streams_multi_threads.cpp" (line 14)

  4. Compile and runtime command in build.sh: bash build.sh


    A. Pre-compile command: cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=70 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -Dcudf_ROOT=/home/gymeng/Desktop/cudf/cudf_24.06/cudf/cpp/build

    (For the -Dcudf_ROOT, you need to specify your libcudf directory)

    B. Compile command: cmake --build build/ --parallel 16

    C. Runtime command: ./build/basic_example

    (Need to modify these commands depending on your cases.)


For more detailed information, you can refer this report: Libcudf_project_update.pdf

  1. lib_arrow.cpp: The benchmark method derived from Apache Arrow. Compile command: g++ -O3 -fopenmp -o arrow_parquet -std=c++17 lib_arrow.cpp -lparquet -larrow -lgomp Runtime command: ./arrow_parquet your_parquet_file

  2. parquet_read_baseline.cpp: The benchmark method for libcudf

    (You can modify this file with different settings, including: pool_memory, ramfs)

  3. chunked_parquet_read_self_implmentation.cpp: chunked parquet read

  4. chunked_parquet_read_self_implmentation_multi_streams_multi_threads.cpp: chunked parquet read + streams + threads


For questions or support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository or directly drop me an e-mail: gmeng@nd.edu.