
Splatoon2のプライベートマッチを便利にするDiscord用Bot - currently under progress

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Splatoon2を便利にするイカしたBot! …を目指しています。Discordで動きます。

招待 / Invite


例 / Example


使い方 / How To Use in Discord?

?ヘルプ コマンドで簡易なヘルプを見ることができます。 詳細はWikiで↓ Wiki#コマンド一覧

インストール / Installation

This bot is MIT-licenced.

  • Install Erlang and Elixir. Since one of the libraries require old runtimes, I recommend using asdf.
    • Erlang 19.x and Elixir 1.4.4 must be used for this application. If you use asdf, there's a .tool_versions file that specifies that.
  • Inside apps/discord_splatoon_bot/config, copy _sample.exs to dev.exs and/or prod.exs, and fill in the values.
  • Go back to the project root, and execute these commands:
    • mix deps.get
  • Go into [apps/splatoon_data][apps/splatoon_data] and execute these commands (prefix each with MIX_ENV=prod if prod mode):
    • mix ecto.create
    • mix ecto.reset this will insert seed data
  • Go back to project root, and this command will run the bot with Elixir console.
    • iex -S mix
  • Do mix run --no-halt to keep run it as daemon.


Feel free to post issues or Pull Requests, but please check if there are no previously posted same problems.
If you're not shure, then post it!
Both English and 日本語 is OK!