
PrivTriad - Make private keys safer

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

PrivTriad enhances the security of sensitive text such as mnemonic phrases by converting into 3 pieces of meaningless info.



Please fork this repo, then:

git clone git@github.com:{YOUR_NAME}/priv-triad.git
cd priv-triad
cp example.env .env
npm i
npm run dev

Please change the default value of VITE_CRYPTO_SALT in .env and keep it safe for your own system.

This app was built with Svelte, chota.css and Vite.

Secret store strategy

We have 2 recommended methods to store 3 secret pieces of encrypted data.

  • You can store each value in a different place. For example:
    • password 1 in Bitwarden
    • password 2 in a paper
    • encrypted string in an encrypted folder at Filen.
  • The second way is to divide into 3 pairs of values, save them in 3 different places. For example:
    • Bitwarden: password 1 + password 2
    • Filen: password 1 + encrypted string
    • Paper: password 2 + encrypted string

With the first option, you need access in 3 different places to get enough decryption information. With the 2nd option, you only need to access 2 places to have enough decryption information. This is also the method that Ledger has recently tried to apply.