CPSC441 - ASSIGNMENT 3- GROUP COMPONENT- TIC_TAC_TOE Game 2019-11-08 To set up this networking game in RAC, all files to an instance and compile the server application via: g++ -o Server Game.cpp Player.cpp SelectServer.cpp User.cpp For all clients, upload all files to the RAC cloud and compile the client program like so: g++ -o Client TCPClient.cpp The IP required to connect to the server process is the local IPv4 for the server instance. The listening port the server will use must be enter as ./Server <port>. After doing so the server will be initilized. The clients must know the server IP as well as it's listening port and must connect via: ./Client <server IP> <listening port> Afterwards, the console will provide information on how to run and control the game itself. Students: Name : Gregory Ord Name: August Sosick Name: Nathan Darby Name: Grigory Devyatov
Term Project for CPSC 441 Computer Networks. A online multiplayer game of TicTacToe