
Fork for IXN Team 12 2021/2022

Primary LanguageCSS



MobileV is designed to enable individuals to efficiently share voice recordings, and other scoring data, with their healthcare provider, as well as to receive analysis on their recordings in real time.

The system combines a cross-platform mobile app, developed with Flutter, a web portal built on standard web technologies, Bootstrap and jQuery, and a Flask back-end.

Folder structure

The FlaskApp folder contains the code for the Flask back-end and web portal, structured according to the application factory pattern. requirements.txt contains the Python virtual environment dependencies.

The MobileApp/mobilev folder contains the Flutter app code. The key folders therein are lib/, for the core app code files, and tests/, for unit and widget tests. pubspec.yaml contains the core app metadata and dependencies.

Flask app configuration

The Flask app can be run in three configurations: production (on-server, default), development (local development, remote database access) and test (for automated tests, local SQLite database).

The exact settings for each configuration can be found in FlaskApp/config.py, which is selected at runtime through a command line argument:

  • python wsgi.py prod
  • python wsgi.py dev
  • python wsgi.py test

Note that this repository does not contain the following two files/folders required to run the app, including for testing, since they contain sensitive information:

  • .env
  • FlaskApp/MobileV/dummy_data

These will be provided as and when appropriate.

Flutter app binary creation

Assuming Flutter and Android Studio or Xcode is installed, an .apk or .ipa file can be created by running, in the MobileApp/mobilev directory:

  • flutter clean
  • flutter build apk or flutter build ipa


Flask app

54 Flask unit and functional tests are included, written with pytest. From within the virtual environment, and inside FlaskApp/, run:

  • pytest tests/flask_unit tests/flask_functional -v –-cov=MobileV

Web portal

19 browser automation (Selenium WebDriver) tests are included, written with pytest. From within the virtual environment, and inside FlaskApp/, first run the Flask app in the test configuration, then execute the tests as before:

  • python wsgi.py test
  • pytest tests/portal_functional -v

Flutter app

33 Flutter unit and widget tests are included, written with flutter_test. From within the MobileApp/mobilev directory, run:

  • flutter test

To generate a coverage report, use the code_coverage library as follows:

  • dart pub global activate code_coverage
  • dart pub global run code_coverage

Known Issues
