Nicholas Baker CS 4386.001
Full Semester Long Project to Design a Basic Compiler in Java with JFlex and Cup
All files in the testfiles directory are used for the make tests.
make lexerTests
prints tokens lexed by the compiler
make parserTests
prints the code back in the structure as it was parsed into an AST
make typeCheckingTests
prints the parser results plus the result of typechecking the AST
make interpreterTests
-- can be implimented later, or in favor of a code generation algorithm
Program → class id { Memberdecls }
Memberdecls → Fielddecls Methoddecls
Fielddecls → Fielddecl Fielddecls | λ
Methoddecls → Methoddecl Methoddecls | λ
Fielddecl → Optionalfinal Type id Optionalexpr ; | Type id [ intlit ] ;
Optionalfinal → final | λ
Optionalexpr → = Expr | λ
Methoddecl → Returntype id ( Argdecls ) { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
Optionalsemi → ; | λ
Returntype → Type | void
Type → int | char | bool | float
Argdecls → ArgdeclList | λ
ArgdeclList → Argdecl , ArgdeclList | Argdecl
Argdecl → Type id | Type id [ ]
Stmts → Stmt Stmts | λ
Stmt → if ( Expr ) Stmt OptionalElse | while ( Expr ) Stmt | Name = Expr ;
| read ( Readlist ) ; | print ( Printlist ) ; | printline ( Printlinelist ) ;
| id ( ) ; | id ( Args ) ; | return ; | return Expr ; | Name ++ ; | Name -- ;
| { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
OptionalElse → else Stmt | λ
Name → id | id [ Expr ]
Args → Expr , Args | Expr
Readlist → Name , Readlist | Name
Printlist → Expr , Printlist | Expr
Printlinelist → Printlist | λ
Expr → Name | id ( ) | id ( Args ) | intlit | charlit | strlit | floatlit | true | false
| ( Expr ) | ~ Expr | - Expr | + Expr | ( Type ) Expr | Expr Binaryop Expr | ( Expr ? Expr : Expr )
Binaryop → * | / | + | - | < | > | <= | >= | == | <> | || | &&
Implicit Coercion
- int
- int → bool (0 → false, !0 → true)
- int → float
- String
- All types can be coerced to string with the exception of arrays
- = (assignment)
- Left hand side type MUST equal Right hand side type (requires expr eval) (coercion is allowed)
- X() (function)
- The type of the function when used in an expression is its return type
- Number of arguments used in call must match number used in definition
- Each argument in call must have type corresponding to the type in the method definition (coercion is allowed)
- if()
- Condition must be a bool(or coercible to bool)
- while()
- Condition must be a bool(or coercible to bool)
- "++"
- Variable must be int or float (can’t be final)
- "--"
- Variable must be int or float (can’t be final)
- X[Y] (array access)
- Y must be an int
- "+"
- May be used on int or float, produces int or float respectively
- "-"
- May be used on int or float, produces int or float respectively
- "~"
- Used on bool (or coercible to bool), produces bool
- " + - * / "
- Int X int
- Produces int
- Int X float (float X int)
- Produces float
- Float X float
- Produces float
- Int X int
- “String lit” + “String lit”
- "+" can concatenate 2 strings
- < > <= >= == <>
- Compare a combination of int, float
- Produces a bool
- || &&
- Compare two bools (or coercible to bool)
- Produces bool
- X ? Y : Z
- X must be a bool or coercible to bool
- Type of Y must equal type of Z
- Read
- Does not work on final
- Does not work on an array(non-dereferenced)
- Does not work on a function
- Print
- Does not work on an array(non-dereferenced)
- Does not work on any void type