
A dumping ground for various shell scripts I write

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A dumping ground for various scripts I write.


Emails the results of a SMART test to a provided email address. Takes a single argument for the name of a drive.

./smart-email.sh sda

Just provide the short name, do not provide the full path of /dev/sda. Requires access to smartctl and mail.


Emails the results of a SMART test to a provided email address. Takes a single argument for the name of a drive.

Fixed formatting to handle strange mail handling on TrueNAS, and changed path of smartctl.

./smart-email-truenas.sh ada0

Just provide the short name, do not provide the full path of /dev/ada0. Requires access to smartctl and sendmail.


Downloads a playlist off of youtube, and populates metadata, including cover art.

Usage: ./youtube-dl-auto.sh [--artist] [--album] [youtube url]

        --artist        Specify Artist for metadata
        --album         Specify Album for metadata
        youtube url     Playlist of music you would like to download

Requires youtube-dl, ffmpeg and bash or compatible shell.


Setup script for setting up a new server, with SSH Keys, packages, and CAs. Simply pull and run. Only tested on Debian 10, will likely work on derivatives. Requires sudo.


Work of: https://github.com/rsvp/speedtest-linux I have a copy of it here because hey, that's how open source works.


Script to resize a mp4 file to a specific size.

Usage: ./ffmpeg-resize-video.sh original-video.mp4 SIZE size being in MB.

Obviously requires ffmpeg.