
CAP exam preparation by https://secops.group/

Certified AppSec Practitioner (CAP) Notes

Welcome to my comprehensive collection of notes for the Certified AppSec Practitioner (CAP) certification! This repository is organized into detailed sections covering various security concepts, vulnerabilities, and mitigation techniques. It is designed to serve as a handy reference for anyone preparing for the CAP exam or wanting to deepen their understanding of application security.

📁 Repository Structure

Core Topics

Each folder contains in-depth notes and examples for the corresponding topic:

  1. 01 Input Validation Mechanism
    Best practices and techniques for securing user input.

  2. 02 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Understanding XSS types, impacts, and mitigation strategies.

  3. 03 SQL Injection
    Detection, prevention, and secure coding practices.

  4. 04 XML External Entity (XXE) Attack
    Explanation and defense mechanisms.

  5. 05 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    Understanding CSRF and implementing protection techniques.

  6. 06 Encoding, Encryption, and Hashing
    Differences, best practices, and real-world examples.

  7. Authentication-Related Attacks
    Secure authentication mechanisms and common pitfalls.

  8. Authorization and Session Management Flaws
    Strategies to secure session and access control.

  9. Business Logic Flaws
    Identifying and addressing logical vulnerabilities in applications.

  10. Code Injection Vulnerabilities
    Preventing and mitigating command and code injection attacks.

  11. Common Supply Chain Attacks and Prevention Methods
    How to secure your supply chain.

  12. Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities
    Prevention techniques for path traversal attacks.

  13. Information Disclosure
    Preventing unintended exposure of sensitive data.

  14. Insecure File Uploads
    Guidelines to secure file upload functionality.

  15. OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
    Understanding the most critical web application security risks.

  16. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
    Mitigating SSRF attacks.

  17. TLS Security
    Importance of TLS, certificate management, and best practices.

  18. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
    Identifying and addressing risks from outdated dependencies.

  19. Security Misconfigurations
    Techniques to avoid configuration-related vulnerabilities.

  20. Security Best Practices and Hardening Mechanisms
    Comprehensive guide to hardening systems and applications.

📜 Additional Resources

  • Welcome.md: Introduction to the CAP certification and its importance.
  • Certified AppSec Practitioner (CAP) do.pdf: Official certification-related material.
  • Additional Third-Party Notes: Summaries and insights from external resources.
  • Images: Relevant visuals to aid understanding, e.g., Pasted image 20241212122358.png.

🛠️ How to Use This Repository

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Deepak-Nagarkoti/Certified-AppSec-Practitioner-CAP.git